Teller Report

The plastic should be removed from the compost - replaced with paper bags

11/11/2019, 6:21:40 PM

In 2020, all plastic will be removed from the food waste in Uppsala. The plastic bags are replaced with paper bags - to be distributed free of charge.

Next year, plastic bags in the compost will be a mere memory. In any case, it is the hope when it becomes compulsory for all Uppsalabor to collect their food waste in paper bags. Something that will not only be more environmentally friendly but also better for the waste management itself at a later stage.

- We can get a cleaner sort as it becomes easier to identify mis-sorted material, says Fredrik Karlsson, responsible waste manager at Uppsala Vatten och avlopp AB.

Positive response from residents

Many municipalities have been using the brown paper bag for many years. It was introduced in Uppsala as late as September this year.

Of the Uppsalabor that SVT News has talked to, several are positive about the new venture, but think it should have come earlier.

- It is in some way regrettable. It has been heard that Uppsala has been ahead in many issues, but that we are lagging behind here I think is strange, says Max Österman Borg.

Watch the clip to hear more about what Uppsalaborna thinks about the new venture.