Teller Report

Staff are notified from the Grammophone Archive

11/11/2019, 7:00:57 AM

Staff are notified from Sverigies Radio's Grammophone Archive. The archive is one of the world's largest collections for music in physical form. - We have, among other things, news coverage and foreign journalism that are set against buying music that we will never play, says SR's music director Anna-Karin Larsson to TT.

The organization is to be modernized and the staff strength is lost. At the same time, former employees are warning that the archive is in disrepair and a name-gathering to save the archive is now up in over 42,000 signatures.

According to Swedish Radio's Music Manager Anna-Karin Larsson, the notification is about a housekeeper with resources:

- In a world where we have to think about how we should use our money in public service, it is reasonable. Among other things, we have news coverage and foreign journalism that are set against buying music that we will never play. Even I, the music manager, understand the decision and that it will have these consequences, she tells TT.

The gramophone archive that houses the Radiohuset in Stockholm celebrated 90 years last year. An attempt has been made to make the archive a world heritage, but it has not succeeded.