Teller Report

Municipal: Dhorasoo denounces the absence of "blacklist" in Paris in common

11/11/2019, 7:57:52 PM

Municipal: Dhorasoo denounces the absence of "blacklist" in Paris in common

Paris (AFP)

Former footballer Vikash Dhorasoo, France's unsubmitted candidate for municipal elections in Paris, deplores the fact that there is "not a single blacklist leader in Paris in common", the platform to support the candidacy of Anne Hidalgo, Monday near the Parisian.

"I am a Parisian" and "I want to defend the popular classes, the unemployed, the excluded and diversity.I am very shocked by the fact that there is not a single head blacklist in Paris in Common ", says the former player of the Blues, top of the list LFI in pairs with the elected Danielle Simonnet.

"Even though I am a privileged person today, I do not forget where I come from and that I was able to make a career in soccer because I might have talent because I have a lot worked, but mostly because my parents received help and I had access to a stadium when I was young, "adds the one who said" informally "supported Ms. Hidalgo in 2014.

The outgoing PS mayor has not yet announced his candidacy for a new term, but there is little doubt.

"Candidate of the real left", Mr. Dhorasoo explains to have joined Ms. Simonnet because the latter had helped him in his fight "to save the City stadium of the Burq street", threatened with kidnapping last spring by the town hall to the demand of the residents of this area of ​​Montmartre, where he lives.

Asked about migrants, he said that "we must do everything to relocate and offer work to all these migrants who arrive in the capital. + Decide Paris + will make concrete proposals on this topic at the end of the thematic workshops organized for to build our program ".

According to the former footballer, Anne Hidalgo "money the public space by supporting for example the project of the Gare du Nord.It did not ask the Parisians if they wanted the Olympics in 2024," he criticizes -he. "Even more serious, she did not oppose the evacuation of the camp of migrants of the Chapel last week", adds Mr. Dhorasoo who will "invest personal money to start (s) campaign in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.

© 2019 AFP