Teller Report

Mohammed bin Zayed: Cultural communication among peoples serves human heritage

11/11/2019, 10:12:47 PM

HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, received yesterday a delegation from the French Colbert Committee participating in a number of cultural events in Abu Dhabi.

HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, received yesterday a delegation from the French Colbert Committee participating in a number of cultural events in Abu Dhabi. Blessed.

HH welcomed the members of the committee, which contributes to a number of cultural initiatives and dialogues that are characteristic of the two countries.

Abu Dhabi is hosting a delegation from the Colbert Commission, which represents 84 brands and 16 French cultural institutions, as part of a series of initiatives, titled «Flannery Colbert Abu Dhabi» and «French luxury in the twenty-first century». These initiatives include a series of events planned for multiple locations throughout Abu Dhabi, which reveal the nature of French life in the 11th century and French culture.

HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, daughter of former French President Jacques Chirac, received Claude Chirac, who is visiting the country to attend the name of her father on a street in Abu Dhabi.

His Highness also discussed with Jacques Chirac the important role played by Jacques Chirac with the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in enhancing relations between the UAE and the French Republic, deepening them in all fields, and his positive attitudes in support of just Arab issues. , Which made it a special place in the history of UAE-French relations, and Arab-French relations in general. He recalled his numerous meetings with President Chirac and the distinguished ties that brought the UAE and France together during his reign, which laid the foundation for the development and prosperity of the relations between the two countries during the current period.