Teller Report

Lennart Johansson was widely celebrated during the gala

11/11/2019, 10:15:41 PM

A chair stood empty during the Football Gala on Hovet. Lennart Johansson, former Uefa chairman and one of Sweden's biggest football profiles, was hailed with the vocals of Tommy Körberg.

“I was not impressed by red carpets or large halls. I did it my way, ”was Lennart Johansson's own words that the audience and viewers heard during the Football Gala's tribute to the football profile that passed away in June this year.

To the notes of "My way" performed by Tommy Körberg, praise was poured in.

- My dad was really a down to earth person. He liked eating potty in the kitchen much better than going to nice restaurants, the video shelf was started by daughter Eva Jansson.

"Behind his deep voice and calm way of being low was a high intelligence and an ambition to drive the improvements he saw as necessary in the sport," said Roy Hodgson, formerly captain of the England national team, shortly thereafter.

Great importance for sports

Johansson was praised for his honesty, courage and ability to resist corruption. Likewise for their visions and their ability to bring life to sleep in organizations.

- It is difficult to put into words his importance for football in particular and sports in general in Sweden. It is clear that such an evening we want to honor and pay attention to Lennart in the best possible way, ”Håkan Sjöstrand, secretary general of the Swedish Football Association, told TT.

Last fall, Johansson was awarded his own trophy, Lennart Johansson's trophy, to the heart club AIK, was raised by daughter Eva Jansson as the best moment in life.

His ability to see everyone, and bring most of them, was praised, among others, by singer Niklas Strömstedt who met Lennart Johansson as a child.

- He said, Niklas, you know what? It is great that you are just AIKs, Strömstedt said in the tribute video.

Former footballer Fredrik Ljungberg, now assistant coach at Arsenal, also testified to the same qualities.

"Everyone who has met him, no matter what role they have played, he has made them feel important," he says.

"A huge man"

The coach profile Sven-Göran Eriksson, who received the Football Channel's honorary award, also took the opportunity to praise Johansson during the gala.

- I had the honor to attend his funeral. I knew Lennart for many, many years back, and Lennart, internationally but also in Sweden, of course, was a tremendously great man who showed respect in everything he did. It was a man you could trust, he was honest, knowledgeable and fantastic at leading discussions, Eriksson tells TT.