Teller Report

Injured man went to hospital - suspected murder attempt

11/11/2019, 11:16:03 PM

An injured man went to an emergency room in Stockholm County during the evening. He is not reported to be seriously injured. - The person did not want to say how he got the injury. But we have started a preliminary investigation into attempted murder, says Anna Westberg, a press spokeswoman for the police.

It was at 22 o'clock in the evening that a man came on his own to an emergency room in Stockholm County. The man should have a gunshot wound to his arm, but the situation is not stated to be serious.

- The person is not so cooperative and has not wanted to say how he got the injury. But we have started a preliminary investigation into attempted murder, says Anna Westberg.

According to Westberg, the police should not have received any previous alarms about gunfire and it is currently unclear how the man should have caused the injury.