Teller Report

“Everyone comes with burning eyes and wants to win”: Umyarov and Galaktionov on the state and goals of the Russian youth team

11/11/2019, 3:22:15 PM

The warm support of the fans in the qualifying matches of the European Championship in 2021 further motivates the youth football players, said Spartak midfielder Nail Umyarov. According to him, the team saved the last game with Poland largely thanks to the fans. The team mentor Mikhail Galaktionov, in turn, is confident in the abilities of his wards. At the same time, he expressed confidence that Fyodor Chalov, who broke the silence in the RPL, will continue in the same vein in the national team.

“Everyone comes to Novogorsk with burning eyes and wants to win”

Midfielder of the Moscow “Spartak” Nail Umyarov admitted that the players of the national team up to 21 years old want to declare themselves at the youth Euro, and in the future make their way to the Olympic Games. The footballer also admitted that he does not feel special due to the fact that he is the youngest in the Russian team.

- How do you feel?

- All perfectly. I got a slight bruise during training, so I limp.

- Tell us about your moral condition. You have been playing a lot lately ...

- Actually, this is good, because I am gaining experience, getting game practice and more and more I feel confidence in myself.

- Under Domenico Tedesco, you became the main player of Spartak. Are they surprised that they trust you?

- A football player playing in the Premier League would probably be a little strange to be surprised at this. Rather, glad.

Yes, after the change of mentor, I began to regularly enter the field, but everything had its time. You play at some periods, but not at some. You just need to prove and enjoy football.

- Your replacements in the endings of the last meetings are connected with the physical form?

“Better ask Tedesco.” But I really “ate” only in the match with Lokomotiv. For the rest of the game, forces were more or less enough.

- Ahead of the team waiting for the match with Latvia. At the same time, the previous convocations of the youth team were characterized by underestimation of rivals inferior in the class ...

- This is impossible in our team. Everyone comes here with burning eyes and wants to win. The atmosphere in the team is just great. Underestimation of rivals is out of the question. As for the final result, it all depends only on us and on our game. We will make every effort to achieve a result.

- Do you feel pressure? Indeed, if the youth team with such a strong roster does not reach the final stage, the fans will not understand this ...

- Football is played not by individuals, but by the team. This is the main conclusion that can be drawn from the results of previous convocations of youth. The most important thing is to unite, to become a single team. And the practice in clubs is a completely different story.

- How is the process of team merging into a single team going?

- We are always happy to get together, have not seen each other for a long time. Yesterday, having met, somewhere we could afford to fool around a bit, because there was easy training. Today, everyone was completely concentrated.

- In recent years, young people are trusted even in Russian top clubs. What is the reason for this?

- Probably, a lot of factors are growing together here. Somewhere there was a chance, someone has less competition in position.

- How does it feel to be the youngest on the team?

- I would not say that I feel differently than the partners. I try to be equal with everyone in the team. Yes, there is no division into junior and senior. All perfectly. Balls are not forced to drag, but sometimes you can help, regardless of age. This is a matter of human qualities.

- After the World Cup, people began to actively go to the youth team. It helps?

- The atmosphere is just fantastic. Nothing more to say. Both in Yekaterinburg and Saransk, the fans drove us forward. We pulled out the same game with Poland only thanks to them. It is very nice when you come and feel this support. I want to continue to live and play.

- Stanislav Cherchesov has already set before the main team a daunting task - to win the European Championship. What tasks do you have?

- We have all the guys very ambitious. Of course, I want to show myself at the youth Euro and continue to break into the Olympic Games. But you need to go forward step by step. I want to successfully hold matches with Latvia and Serbia, and then return and score maximum points with Spartak before the winter break.

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“The Russian team is not an empty phrase, we defend the honor of the country”

Mentor of the youth team of Russia Mikhail Galaktionov is sure that his wards will not allow underestimation of the Latvian team in the match of the fifth round of the group stage of the qualifying tournament for the European Championship. According to him, all the players arrived in Novogorsk healthy and the coaching staff will have to puzzle over the choice of the starting lineup.

- Nine football players were engaged on Monday on an individual schedule. What condition is the team in?

- Everyone's condition is stable. We are working according to the plan that we have outlined. The group of football players that played on Saturday trained in full, the rest were restored. On Tuesday, the team will be engaged already in full force. Today everyone is healthy.

- The Latvian team closes the group standings. Are you not afraid that this could relax your wards a little?

- The guys understand why they come here. For them, the national team is not an empty phrase, we defend the honor of the country.

All football players give all the best in each game, and my assistants and I see it. Another thing is that sometimes not everything can work out, but these are working moments. Now we need to get ahead of Poland in the group and come out on top. For this you need to score maximum points.

- For you now, for sure, a pleasant headache is to choose the starting lineup from a large number of talented young soccer players, many of whom are already playing for top clubs ...

- I have already said that the national team is not only surnames. Let's start with the fact that they all went through the system of national teams, starting from 17-19 years. Many of them played in the youth European and world championships. We perfectly know all the players, their human qualities. Well, the choice of composition is an objective reality. We evaluate various factors: psychological and physical condition, game tone.

- When, finally, will break through in the youth team Chalova?

- It works well, and the team regularly creates moments. It remains only to start implementing them. We all support Fedor and try to help him. Yesterday, he scored a very beautiful goal against Sochi, with which we congratulated him. We hope that in the same vein he will continue in the national team.