Teller Report

The second vice speaker of the Senate of Bolivia will assume the presidency

11/10/2019, 11:39:40 PM

The second vice-speaker of the Senate of Bolivia, the representative of the opposition, Janine Agnes, said that the presidential powers will pass to her after the resignation of the entire top leadership of the country.

She stated this on the air of Unitel.

“I will be in La Paz on Monday (November 11th) to officially take responsibility in accordance with the succession order,” Cronica Viva quotes her.

Earlier, President Evo Morales, Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera, Senate Head Adriana Salvierra, First Deputy Speaker of the Senate, as well as the head of the Chamber of Deputies Viktor Borda resigned.

As a result of this, according to the Constitution, Agnes became the first in the list of applicants for the position of acting president of Bolivia.