Teller Report

The colleagues on Bernt Lagergren: "A masterful reporter"

11/10/2019, 8:03:45 AM

A familiar narrative voice is silent. Bernt Lagergren, 63, is retiring at the turn of the year and his work is described below by some old colleagues at SVT.

Åsa Edlund Jönsson, current Sports Manager:
“A masterful reporter who always puts the story in the foreground and himself in the background. Bernt looks for stories that touch on where other sports journalists are not looking. The result is a unique depiction of a sports Sweden where the spotlight rarely reaches ”.

Mats Nyström, Program Manager:

“Bernt has in a very committed way, for many years, highlighting sports personalities who in other media contexts get modest with space. Important stories in true public service spirit that often left a lot of impression on viewers. Bernt has always been an accurate reporter who has known passion, respect and responsibility for the story. A professional who never cared about the details. In my job as a program manager it has been a fun task to write ads on Bernt's elements. Commitment gives birth to commitment ”.

Per Yng, former sports director:
“Under Bernt's calm slightly phlegmatic surface, an intense narrative fire burns. God bless the editor who does not give time and space to that bonfire in agreed Sports Mirror ”.

Jacob Hård, commentator:

“Bernt has been on TV sports for almost as long as myself - it is empty to not have him poking around on the editorial board. It has developed a friendship that extends beyond the work domains. Professionally, Bernt has further developed the strong storytelling tradition at SVT Sport and found his own tone and his unique stories alongside the usual subjects of sports journalism ”.

Albert Svanberg, Former Sports Manager:
“Bernte has, in an impressive way, managed to step up his own very special path in the sports journalism forest. There, the viewers have experienced strong, different, important and unexpected stories that they have not encountered elsewhere. He has portrayed people, fate and events that in many cases were unknown to the vast majority. Bernte is passionate about his stories and the story in general. He is genuinely interested in people and their stories and that trait has always permeated his reporting. They are close and they are genuine ”.

Jens Lind, award-winning narrator and documentary filmmaker:
“Bernt is a big-hearted reporter. He sees people and achievements in his unique way and has the ability to make reports that captivate and touch. He has created his own way of telling. I really hope he can think of breaking his retirement sometimes - his perspective is needed in our results-oriented world ”.

Jane Björck, host:
“We became TV sports kids, Bernte and I, at the same time. And early on it became apparent that the special storytelling was his babies. That unconditional love for the craft to tell us about unique encounters and destinies. Always with genuine commitment. That glow has been around for years. "

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Bernt Lagergren. Photo: SVT

See also: Mats Nyström has done an interview with the man behind all the stories.

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Episode 1

Click here to get to Bernt Lagergren's collected reportage in SVT Play.