Teller Report

General election results 2019 in Spain: Live scrutiny

11/10/2019, 8:54:57 PM

April 28, 2019, 37 million Spaniards were called to the polls to renew the 350 seats of the Congress, the 208 of the Senate and elect president; November 10, 2019,

  • 10-N. Last hour general elections 2019
  • Album: The election day, in photos
  • The election day, in detail. Rufián's photo with a Vox controller, two dead in schools, a loaded pistol ...

April 28, 2019, 37 million Spaniards were called to the polls to renew the 350 seats of the Congress, the 208 of the Senate and elect president; November 10, 2019 , history repeats itself. Yes, Spain returns to vote 8 months after that 28-A in which the PSOE and its leader, Pedro Sánchez , was the most voted party, but unable to reach an agreement for the formation of a progressive government with United We can. [All images of the election day]

9:49 p.m.

Pedro Sánchez arrives in Ferraz. With more than 70% scrutinized, the PSOE loses a deputy, who recovers Vox , which already reaches 53 deputies. The PP remains at 84 and United We can climb one to 26. Citizens remains at 10.

9:46 p.m.

Vox Europarliamentary Jorge Buxadé , quotes the media at 22.30 to assess results that are predicted happily for a Vox that would devastate with 50 deputies. For him, it is the "embrace of living Spain, the embrace of those who had no voice and now they will have a voice."

9:35 p.m.

With 53.16% scrutinized, the PSOE maintains 124, the PP rises to 85, Vox bursts in with 50 and Unidos Podemos stays at 35.

21.32 h

48.79% scrutinized. The PSOE would raise a deputy until 124


There is already 44.24% of the votes counted. The thing remains stable: PSOE 122 seats; PP, 84; Vox, 49 and Unidos Podemos, 25. Citizens collapses at 10 and More Country enters Parliament with two.

9:27 p.m.

With almost 40% scrutinized, Vox brushes the 50 deputies and the PSOE saves the furniture by losing only one deputy compared to 28-A.

9:24 p.m.

With 35.18% scrutinized, the PSOE would raise a seat, until 124, the PP would win 18 parliamentarians and be at 84, Vox would be third force with almost twice as many deputies as 28-A and Podemos would fall to 25 .

21.21 h

Vox would now surpass the PP in Andalusia (second force) and would be the most voted party in Murcia , reports Álvaro Carvajal .

9:18 p.m.

With 26.50% of the votes counted, the PSOE would lose two parliamentarians and maintain 121, the PP would rise to 81, Vox would be third force with 46, almost the same as Cs would lose, which collapses to 10 seats. We could be fourth force with 24, nine less than 28-A.

21.13 h

With 22.73% scrutinized, the PSOE would maintain 122 deputies, the PP would grow to 83 and Vox would be third force with 46, almost double that of 28-A. United We could fall to 24 deputies and Citizens would be the big loser, since it would go from 57 to 8 deputies.

ERC would get 13 deputies and More Country would enter Parliament with two deputies.

21.05 h

First results, with 13.55% scrutinized: the PSOE gets 122 seats, the PP 80, Vox breaks into third force with 46 and United We can go down from 33 to 24.

9.00 p.m.

Enrique Santiago , general secretary of the PCE, and deputy of United Podemos , has criticized the action on this day of the Electoral Board, because, he said, "it has been too permissive with Franco's symbology. It has allowed it to be used in polling stations and, on the other hand, it has been very strict when it comes to censoring positions or symbols that called for the danger of fascism resurfacing strongly. "

Likewise, Santiago has celebrated that United We can, in the light of the polls, show that it has an important electoral ground. "There were too many interests in a project like the one of United We could be weakened and it seems that this is not going to happen," reports Raúl Piña .

20.59 h

The ministers Teresa Rivera , Nadia Calviño (virtual economic vice president if the PSOE manages to form Government) and Margarita Robles also in Ferraz awaiting the first data of the scrutiny. Pedro Sánchez continues without arriving.

The PSOE will not make any assessment of the known surveys at 8 in the afternoon, reports Marisol Hernández .

20.58 h

In Vox the most repeated word is "prudence". Here you know what it is to start the night with high expectations and end up saddened by not reaching them. Abascal is following the development of the night from the second floor, Álvaro Carvajal reports .

8:48 p.m.

The 'number two' of Citizens , José Manuel Villegas , appears to assess the participation data. Without admitting questions, he only acknowledges that "the surveys are not good for Cs" and that he hopes that "the result is better than what the surveys predict", reports Luis Ángel Sanz .

Villegas has added with the face of circumstances that "all votes of Citizens will be available to put Spain in motion". In his opinion, the main problem in Spain is the political blockade and Cs will work to solve it: "On our part it will not remain."

8:47 p.m.

Harley arrives at the space, where the electoral night follows Podemos , Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero . Iglesias does so carrying his daughter Aitana in the backpack, reports Raúl Piña .

8:44 p.m.

8:43 p.m.

The president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra , arrives at the headquarters of the electoral night of Junts Per Catalunya , reports Antonio Heredia .

8:41 p.m.

According to the TV3 poll, ERC and PSC would tie with 23% of votes in Catalonia . The independentistas would obtain 13-14 seats by the 12-13 of the socialists, informs Víctor Mondelo .

8:39 p.m.

The secretary general of the PP , Teodoro García Egea , has appeared at the national headquarters of the party to assess how the election day, participation and the first polls have passed. And, despite the logical prudence that dictates the lack of real results, he has highlighted an idea: "If the fall of PSOE seats is confirmed, Sanchez should start thinking about leaving and not presenting himself to a possible investiture."

The 'popular' maintain what has been said in the campaign: only the PP is the alternative, but Sánchez cannot present himself to the investiture with a worse result than 28-A. In addition, they will not support you. In Genoa they remember that, in May, "in the Community of Madrid and in the City Council, the polls showed that it was not added and in the end it was added," reports Juanma Lame t.

8:29 p.m.

Electoral overturn in the Balearic Islands : the block on the right would win the one on the left. The PSOE would win on the islands with 25% of the votes. PSOE, PP and Vox would get two seats; United Podemos and Cs, one, according to the GAD3 survey for Spanish Television and La Forta.

20.25 h

Among the barons of the PSOE any result that does not involve maintaining at least 123 seats in April would be a failure. In the game there has been much concern about the progress of Vox in recent weeks, reports Marisol Hernández .

Unlike what happened after 2-8A, when Pedro Sánchez delayed the negotiations until he knew the result of the autonomous and municipal May, now he has announced that in 48 hours he will make an offer to Pablo Casado, Albert Rivera and United we can. Sánchez does not consider any scenario other than that he as the most voted party leads the negotiations.

The impression in Ferraz, at least until Vox began to grow significantly in the polls, was that the PP would refrain and the investiture would be possible.

8:24 p.m.

Albert Rivera has just arrived at the headquarters of Citizens to follow the electoral count. Inside, all his staff is waiting for him, who fears in large part the collapse predicted by the polls, reports Luis Ángel Sanz .

8:23 p.m.

Pablo Casado is following the election day on the seventh floor of Genoa with his wife, Isabel Torres . "It's quiet," they say in their surroundings. With them are the vice-secretaries, some deputies such as Edurne Uriarte and the secretary general, Teodoro García Egea .

Good atmosphere in the 'popular', which would be satisfied with touching the 90 deputies, but expect something more and evoke the 'turnaround' that the right gave in the scrutiny of the autonomous communities of the Community of Madrid. But "politics is the art of managing expectations," warns one of the main advisers of the party.

"We are happy to have made a good campaign, in which we have not made mistakes and it has been found that our proposal is positive," they point in the direction of Genoa. At 20.30 Garcia Egea will appear to make a first assessment, reports Juanma Lamet .

8:23 p.m.

20.22 h

Vox welcomes the good omens for its formation. "We are convinced that the result of the elections will serve to consolidate this patriotic and social alternative," says Jorge Buxadé from the headquarters of the formation.

8:14 p.m.

Expectation at the door of Ferraz awaiting the arrival of the president of the acting Government and general secretary of the PSOE , Pedro Sánchez . The Vice President of the Executive, Carmen Calvo , and the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE and acting Minister of Development, José Luís Ábalos, are already in the socialist headquarters.

The calculations of the direction of the PSOE is that they could reach 130 deputies. But in the territories the forecasts are less optimistic and they trust to maintain the 123, informs Marisol Hernández .


Albert Rivera has not yet reached the national headquarters of Citizens. Yes, there are already Inés Arrimadas , the 'number two', José Manuel Villegas , the spokeswoman, Lorena Roldán , the vice president of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio Aguado , the vice mayor, Begoña Villacís, and the main members of the Madrid list, such as Marcos de Quinto , Edmundo Bal or Patricia Reyes , reports Luis Ángel Sanz .

The environment on the third and fourth floors of the headquarters of Citizens is, for the moment, desolation. They still trust that the results will improve the catastrophic forecasts that reflect the surveys that have just been known.

20.06 h

The Electoral Board of the Zone has extended the voting time at a table of the Galvez Moll School of Malaga capital by 55 minutes, "due to interruption due to the aggression against the president of that table," announced the Government Delegation in Andalusia , Teresa reports López Pavón .

20.05 h

Except for few incidents, most polling stations have already closed and scrutiny is being initiated.

20.00 h

GAD3 macrosondeo for RTVE gives the PSOE the winner with a minimum of 114 seats, and a maximum of 119, followed by the PP (85-90). Vox enters as a third force with between 56 and 59 seats and 16.30% of the votes.

Fourth would be United We can with between 30 and 34 seats and Citizens collapses to between 14 and 15 seats. More Country would get 3 seats, so that the leftist block would not exceed the sum of the three right-wing formations and would depend on the independence forces.

If the predictions of the public television poll are fulfilled, the PSOE would lose four seats while the PP would win 24. ERC would lose one or two seats. Only their votes would not be enough to reach a majority that would allow the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

7:44 p.m.

In the direction of Podemos , in the absence of a few minutes for the polls to close, there is optimism. They consider that they have carried out a good campaign, better than that of April, and believe that participation is not bad, comparing it with that of the general elections of 2016 (56.86% at 6:00 pm in these elections, by 51, 21% in 2016), reports Raúl Piña .

19.38 h

Santiago Abascal , who could be one of the great protagonists of the night, is already in the national headquarters of Vox , in the Madrid neighborhood of Chamartín. A venue that, by the way, was released just over a month ago. Next to the leader of Vox will be the top leaders of the party. Javier Ortega Smith , Iván Espinosa de los Monteros and Rocío Monasterio are the best known, but we must also mention Enrique Cabanas , Mazaly Aguilar or Víctor González , Álvaro Carvajal reports .

19.34 h

In Castellón, members of a polling station protest the lack of foresight in the cold since they have set up a table in a tent in the middle of a lot, reports Chelo Pastor .


Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo engages with the spokesman for Guanyem Girona in the City Council, who criticized his presence in "an independent fief": "Yes, I am surrounded by police officers as you."


The IES La Paz in Granada has suffered a power outage that, as reported by the Government Delegation in Andalusia , has not interrupted the voting because the supply has been maintained with a generator, reports Teresa López Pavón .

19.04 h

Vox has prevented access to its headquarters to journalists from the Prisa group (Ser y El País) despite the resolution of the Central Electoral Board that asked to lift any veto of the party to report freedom of the elections, reports Álvaro Carvajal .

Vox alleges that the Electoral Board only referred to "electoral acts" and that the campaign ended on Friday. That this is not an electoral act, but a party. "Therefore, he affirms that he can deny access to banned journalists.

18.48 h

The Local Police of Valladolid on Sunday arrested a 29-year-old man who came with a knife around the electoral school of the Vicente Escudero Dancer Civic Center in Valladolid.

As explained to Europa Press sources of the Municipal Police, about 8.55 this Sunday the individual went to the electoral center of the civic center with a knife in his hand, compared to what the citizens who were in the vicinity notified the agents .

When he saw the police, the man tried to flee and was reached on Renedo Street, where he threw the knife while the officers proceeded to arrest him.


The local coordinator of IU in Puebla de Guzmán ( Huelva ), Manuel González Morón , in his duties as proxy for United Podemo s, has denounced before the Civil Guard the mayor of the town and provincial deputy of the PSOE Antonio Beltrán , for alleged electoral crime by leading older people to vote.

"Our proxies and proxies have seen how the mayor has taken several elderly people in a vehicle to a polling station and repeatedly, who were immediately accompanied to their respective table to vote."

"This way of proceeding from the mayor has seemed very suspicious to us", so he has been denounced before the Civil Guard so that he can clarify if the people who have been transferred to the polling station in the car that the mayor was driving did so by his own will, reports Efe.

18.43 h

The participation in Euskadi falls only 2.45% compared to April in a winter day. The most notable abstention increase occurs in Bizkaia , where PNV and PP fight over a deputy, reports Josean Izarra .

18.32 h

In Catalonia , the participation at 6:00 pm is 59.8%, 4.3 points less than in the last elections, reports Gerard Melgar .

18.26 h

The participation in Andalusia at 6 pm is 54.87, which means 2.36 points less than in April.

The province with the highest participation is Seville (57.56%), while Huelva is the one with the lowest participation at 18 hours (50.29%), reports Teresa López Pavón .

18.24 h

In the Valencian Community , participation follows three points above the national average. It reaches 59.98% but remains below that registered in April, reports Immaculate Lidon .

18.10 h

The participation at 18 hours is 56.79%, four points less than at the same time on April 28.

6 pm

Benizar has been planted. The residents of the municipality of Murcia refuse to vote. In the ballot box there are only eight votes; However, there are 746 people registered. The goal is to express their tiredness for the primary deficiencies and ask for the basic services that never arrive such as roads and ambulances, Atlas reports.

5:55 p.m.

The National Police has arrested in Melilla an individual carrying a folder with votes of Coalition for Melilla and 200 euros in Moroccan currency in the vicinity of an electoral college, as reported by the Government delegate, Sabrina Moh , while the PP has denounced before the Electoral Board how several voters, who had already voted by mail, have been discovered when trying to do the same at the tables, reports Europa Press.

17.25 h

The Local Police of Amposta ( Tarragona ) has arrested a man with a loaded gun and a knife inside a polling station in Poblenou del Delta in the municipality of Amposta on Sunday, municipal sources have informed Europa Press.

The mayor of Amposta, Adam Tomà s, has stated that the police have detected that the 70-year-old man had "a gun in his pocket", but has refused to show it and the police have reduced and detained him.

The events took place at around 3:15 pm in the town hall of Poblenou del Delta, a hamlet of Amposta, when police have detected that the gun barrel "protruded" from the detainee's pocket. The man, who has been "nervous", has refused to show what he had in his pocket and asked the police to leave him.

The revolver had the serial number erased and the man also carried a knife in another pocket, reports Efe.

4:49 p.m.

Tsunami Democràtic calls to "fill the polls today and tomorrow to the streets". The separatist organization expects three consecutive days of protest starting Monday, reports Víctor Mondelo .

15:53 ​​h

A 77-year-old man has apparently died of natural death when he was in a polling station in Urretxu (Guipúzcoa), which has forced him to close the center for about an hour, according to sources from the Security Department to Europa Press. The events have occurred around one fifteen in the afternoon at the House of Culture of Urretxu, established this Sunday as a polling station. A man has died when he was at the facility and nothing could be done to prevent his death, which has been fulminant.

15:45 h

The camping in the Plaza Universitat de Barcelona is still standing during the general elections and has reached its twelfth day, a day after a group of about 100 people linked to political organizations decided to leave the concentration. The protest is not affecting the development of the elections, although a few meters from the camp there is an electoral college in the historic building of the University of Barcelona (UB), reports Europa Press.

15:35 h

The Fire Brigade of the Generalitat have removed some yellow ties from the facade of an electoral college in Sarrià de Sarrià (Girona) before the start of the election day this Sunday, the City Council informed in a tweet collected by Europa Press.

15:24 h

In Madrid, the Samur-Civil Protection has attended a total of 17 people in polling stations until 2:00 p.m., all minor except a 91-year-old male who has suffered a stroke and another 93 who has suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest, reports Europe Press

15.20 h

The 10-N of Pablo Casado: after voting, he had breakfast with his wife, the president of the community of Madrid and the mayor, among other positions of the party. Then he went to Mass with his family and eat with them. The scrutiny will continue in Genoa, reports Juanma Lamet .

2:10 p.m. Participation falls

At two in the afternoon, participation falls 3.5 points compared to April 28. On that date, at 14:00 had voted 41.49% of voters. Today the figure drops to 37.93% .

The fall is widespread by communities. It collapses in the Balearic Islands with seven points less than 28-A, and falls strongly in Asturias (5.7 points less) Extremadura (5.6 points less) and Galicia (5 points less).

In Catalonia the decrease is 2.9% compared to 28-A. In Andalusia , 3 points less than in April; Aragon 3.4; Castilla la Mancha 4.6; Castilla León 4,5; Ceuta, 3.2; Melilla , 3.5; Navarre 4.38; Madrid, 2.6; Valencia Community, 3.3; La Rioja , 4.25; Basque Country 1,5; Murcia 4.4; Canary Islands 3.7; and Cantabria , 4 points less.

1:52 p.m. Fight between proxies of Podemos and Vox

Adrián Belaza, candidate for mayor of Logroño by Vox in the last local elections, has denounced through his Twitter account that an agent of Podemos "has warned the Police to cut the national flag of our accreditation", accusing them of "electoralism. The proxies of Vox have removed the flag of the accreditations.

1:42 p.m.

The general coordinator of Podemos Andalucía and president of the parliamentary group of Adelante Andalucía, Teresa Rodríguez, has been confident that "common sense prevails" and the social majority "stands up and goes to vote." Rodríguez has come to vote in Cádiz with his partner and mayor of the city, José María González 'Kichi', reports Teresa López Pavón.

13.29 h. Death

In Vélez de Benaudalla, in Granada, a woman has died while attending the polling station CEIP Madrigal and Padial. The events have occurred around 10.30 am, when this elderly person was going to exercise his right to vote and fainted, so the emergency services of 112 were notified that they have not been able to help him, since he has died after fainting. This incident has not affected the development of the electoral process in this center, reports Chema Rodríguez .

1:26 p.m. Santiago Abascal

The president of Vox and candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Santiago Abascal, voted this Sunday at 1:15 p.m. at the Pinar del Rey Public School in Madrid. Abascal was the last candidate for the Presidency of the Government of the parties with the greatest parliamentary representation to go to vote and he did so in the midst of great media expectations. After voting, he declared that "Today all Spaniards without distinction exercise national sovereignty together and we want to express our desire that this remains so and that we continue to own our future. We want the result to serve to strengthen the unity of Spain ". On the results of Vox, Abascal has said that "We have no expectations. We have fulfilled our mission in this electoral campaign. Now we can only wait for the verdict of the polls and accept what the Spaniards decide."

13:21 h Susana Díaz

The leader of the Andalusian PSOE, Susana Díaz, has voted in Triana accompanied by her husband and son.

1:14 p.m.

The proxies of Más País carry a folder with a large photo of Íñigo Errejón. And, since the brand More Country is unknown to the general public, within the training they consider it essential the presence of proxies in schools to resolve the doubts of those who want to vote but do not know how. Likewise, the Más País ballot has the photo of Errejón, Álvaro Carvajal reports .


13:05 h Rocío Monasterio

Rocío Monasterio, leader of Vox Madrid, has voted dressed in the corporate green color. His training hopes to grow among other places in the Community of Madrid, where he closed campaign on Friday, reports Álvaro Carvajal .

12:52 h. Inés Arrimadas

Inés Arrimadas calls to the polls despite the population's tiredness so that "hate gives way to living together". Between insults of fascist and shouts of "freedom political prisoners" or "you should be in jail", Arrimadas said that there is a "rupture of coexistence 'in Catalonia. After his departure there was tension between seizures and militants of Cs and independentista formations, Germán González reports .

In statements to journalists, during the boos, Arrimadas has said that those who insult her "shout more, because they know they have the protection of the Government of the Generalitat", than those who approach her to thank her for her work, as has happened inside the school .

12:44 h. Balearics

At the Juan de la Cierva polling station, in Palma, an incident has forced its closure to be delayed at 8:30 p.m., after the table was set up at 9:30 a.m. The second vowel has found himself "suddenly" indisposed and has had to leave the center before the table was set up. His alternate was gone to see that he was present. The Zone Electoral Board has initiated the procedure to find a substitute for the second member who, finally, has been the substitute for another table, by volunteering. The rest of the 385 electoral colleges in the Balearic Islands opened the voting at 09.00 hours without further incident. 1,215 polling stations have been set up, comprising a total of 3,645 members who will control the vote at 2,430 ballot boxes, reports Lola Sampedro .

12:40 h: 105 years

His name is Rafael, he is 105 years old and has come today to vote at a school in Córdoba. Alba Doblas, provincial secretary of the Communist Party in Córdoba, has shared the photograph on Twitter, reports Teresa López Pavón.

12:37 h

Shouts, boos and insults of 'liar' upon the arrival of Inés Arrimadas at the polling station. The Citizen candidate votes at the Ausiàs March school in Barcelona, Germán González reports .

12:33 h. Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo

Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo has moved to Girona, "the heart of Spain", to encourage the 'popular' of the province. "After listening to various political leaders, and especially those who have committed very serious crimes against democracy, I am going to limit myself to saying that this is a great day for democracy. And at the end of the day it can be even more to guarantee the continuity of constitutional Spain, the freedom and equality of all Spaniards, "said Juanma Lamet .

12:25 h

A sign at the Eiximenis School in Girona warns voters that during the election day no activity that is not related to the vote will be allowed. The photograph is by Antonio Heredia .

12:21 h Blind Table President

Cesar Puente, a 63-year-old blind man, presides over an Electoral Board at the Las Cigarreras Cultural Center in Alicante after being authorized by the Zone Electoral Board. Puente is accompanied by his guide dog, a black farmer from the ONCE Foundation named Vilka, and by a person he trusts, who helps him in what he cannot do. In this link, the full text of Daniel Moltó .

12:12 h José Luis Ábalos

The acting Minister of Development and head of the PSOE list to Congress for Valencia, José Luis Ábalos, has exercised his right to vote in the Salesian College of the capital of Turia. He has also called for participation. "Today is a very important day where citizens are placed on a level of equality like never before, the decision belongs to everyone and everyone and everyone has the same instrument and the same force: our vote." "It is the day that makes us all equal; it is a sufficient reason to come to participate," he insisted.

12:09 h

The narcos take advantage that the State Security Forces are concentrated in the electoral device to intensify their activity. But police officers and the Civil Guard know this and this morning two junctions have been intercepted, with 2,000 kilos of hashish and three confiscated vehicles, including a narcolancha. "Life goes on," said the Government delegate in Andalusia, Lucrecio Fernández. 6,579,286 Andalusian voters are called on Sunday at the polls in 3,797 polling stations spread across the 785 Andalusian municipalities, reports Teresa López Pavón .

12:04 h

Vote of retired military officer Alberto Asarta, Vox candidate for Castellón, who stayed at the doors of the seat in April and could now snatch one of the five deputies for this constituency, reports Sandra Morales .

11:41 h. Alfonso Alonso

The president of the Popular Party of the Basque Country, Alfonso Alonso, has to queue at his Mendizorrotza school in Vitoria even though the participation is very low, reports Josean Izarra.

11:38 h. Ximo Puig

"Today we went out to vote to look forward and avoid involution," said today the president of the Generalitat and general secretary of the PSPV-PSOE, Ximo Puig, in Morella where he took the vote this morning. "This election is about values ​​and the essential values ​​to defend are those that are included in the Constitution: freedom, equality, fraternity," said the president, reports Angel Salguero.

11:33 h. Idoia Mendia

The leader of the Basque socialists Idoia Mendia has just reminded the voters that the society is playing 'moving forward' or 'going back' today and has asked them to come to vote despite the bad weather conditions that exist today throughout. Basque Country. Mendia recalled that today is Memorial Day in memory of the victims of terrorism, reports Belén Ferreras.

11:26 a.m. Juanma Moreno

The president of the Popular Party and the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, has exercised his right to vote in Malaga and has wished that the electoral day that the country is living today "will develop normally from the point of view both

institutional as of respect. "Thus, he has asked the Andalusians to" freely decide what they want for the General Courts and what model of government they want for Spain. "Moreno has insisted that" we should not waste the opportunity to go to vote because it is a privilege that we sometimes forget, " reports Chema Rodríguez .

11:18 h

The vice president of the Government, Pere Aragonès, of ERC, compares 9-N and 1-0 with the general elections that are held today: "We ask that Catalonia turn over at the polls as many times, as we did on 1- 0, 9-N and 28-A, "reports Victor Mondelo

11:14 h. Íñigo Errejón

The Mas País candidate has voted in the Santa Teresa de Jesús School in Madrid.

10:59 H: Roger Torrent

The president of the Parliament, Roger Torrent, has called on the Catalans to "transform anger by the situation of injustice and repression" into votes. "The message that will leave Catalonia today will be very clear and the State will not be able to look the other way," he adds after voting in the Girona town of Sarrià de Ter, reports Víctor Mondelo .

10:50 h: Albert Rivera

The president of Citizens has called for participation. He has asked "especially the moderates, not to stay at home." "If the center does not widen, the extremes win." The leader of Citizens highlights that the polls yesterday still gave 25% undecided. "There is a match," he says. "The result that comes out my commitment is to set Spain in motion, sit at a table to launch this country," reports Luis Angel Sanz.

10:41 h. Quim Torra

The president of the Generalitat has also come to vote, in this case at the Official School of Languages ​​of Barcelona, ​​where there is the circumstance that his daughter Helena serves as chairman of the table (dressed in a yellow jersey).

He has also called for mass participation. He has asked the Catalans and Catalans to vote with determination and freedom and has assured that he expects a quiet day. He has spoken in Catalan and Spanish and has taken the ballots from the table. Some voters have taken a selfie with him, reports Ricardo F. Colmenero .


10:29 h: Pablo Casado

The president of the PP has voted in the Pilar school in Madrid. He thanked those who made the vote possible and the state security forces and bodies. He insisted on the importance of participation: "it is important that today we vote massively". You have wanted a clear result that allows you to unlock the situation and achieve stability. "It is a good time to end the paralysis," he said, adding that he faces voting with optimism and good prospects.

10:24 h: Iñigo Urkullu also gets up early

Iñigo Urkullu, has trusted that this Sunday "four years of uncertainties will end" and that the Basque representation in General Court allows "to address a new cycle" and be "profitable for Euskadi". Lehendakari Urkullu has also called for conscious participation that abstention is the greatest danger today. Urkulu has asked the Basque electorate to "be aware" that these general elections are "important for Euskadi" and to end "a cycle of four long years of uncertainty," reports Belén Ferreras .

10.05: Pablo Iglesias, the second to vote

Less than an hour after Pedro Sánchez voted, Pablo Iglesias did it at La Navata Public School (Galapagar). Greeting the members of the table and with a smile, the candidate of United Podemos has cast his vote.

"Hopefully there is a very high participation," was the first message that Iglesias has released to the press after voting. "I hope there is a high participation. We are going to reach out to the PSOE . We are going to leave the reproaches behind. Hopefully the spirit that is lived between the voters of the PSOE and the United We can reach the negotiation," he said.

This campaign unlike April, which was white glove on the left, has been hard tone and bronco between can and PSOE, with widely separated positions around government formula, reports Raúl Piña.

10.03: The message of Junqueras

The ERC leader and former vice president of the Generalitat, Oriol Junqueras , has encouraged to participate in the general elections this Sunday and has assured: "We cannot allow those who have sentenced us to 100 years in jail to win . "

In a message posted on Twitter, Junqueras has written a letter from the jail in which he asked to "re-dye the map yellow" and that voters trust ERC.

He has argued that these elections are "an opportunity to say loud and clear that when there are urns , independence always wins, " and he added that there is no place for Catalans to feel stronger than going to the polls.

09.58: Voting by mail drops by 26%

Requests to vote by mail have fallen by 26.73% compared to the last general elections on April 28. In total, 986,446 applications have been submitted, of which 980,696 have been accepted . Of these, 738,653 votes are effective, that is, 75%.

The decline in voting by mail could be indicative of an increase in abstention in the second general elections held in 2019 as a result of the political blockade that prevented the formation of Government.

09.50: "Today's vote will decide tomorrow's Spain"

"Democracy unites us as a country, it makes us stronger and a day like this turns the will of the Spaniards into one voice. Today's vote will decide tomorrow's Spain. I encourage Spaniards to vote and strengthen democracy in our country. First we are going to vote, then to see the seats and then to form a Government, "said the president of the acting Government, Pedro Sánchez , after casting his vote. Between shouts of the president and some other whistle , Sánchez has attended the press after being the first candidate to vote.

09.45: Pedro Sánchez votes

The PSOE candidate, Pedro Sánchez, has been the earliest. The acting president, Pedro Sánchez , has arrived at the Volturno Cultural Center in Pozuelo de Alarcón after 09:30 hours to cast his vote not without controversy, since minutes before the president of the table has prevented the press from standing behind to take pictures , which has caused tense moments.

09.35: Villaroya, 32 seconds to vote

Villarroya's eight neighbors have managed to vote 32 seconds on Sunday, which has broken their record in completing the process , which they had for four years in ten seconds.

This small town of La Rioja Baja, about 63 kilometers from Logroño , organizes its inhabitants to go to the polling station half an hour before opening the school in each electoral process to, thus, have everything prepared and be able to vote in less than a minute .

On this occasion they have even been placed in a row , in an order established before, to vote and introduce ballots at the polls as soon as possible.

09.19: Problems at the Pedro Sánchez table

The president of the polling station in which the acting president of the Government and candidate of the PSOE to re-election, Pedro Sánchez, will have prevented the media professionals who are in the center to take pictures and collect a statement of the socialist leader being behind him, so he had to place himself on both sides of the table .

Sanchez plans to vote at 9.30 am at the Volturno Cultural Center of the Madrid town of Pozuelo de Alarcón. The decision of the president of the table has generated the protests of the journalists who finally , and after the mediation of La Moncloa personnel, have had to abide by the decision of the table president.

Around thirty national and international media await the arrival of the President of the Government, who will go to the center to exercise his right to vote very close to his family residence, where he belongs, despite currently living in the Palacio de la Moncloa

09.12: Normality in Catalonia

The polling stations in Catalonia have opened normally, as reported by the Government Delegation in Catalonia.

A joint device of the Mossos d'Esquadra , the National Police and the Civil Guard will guarantee the security and normality of the general elections in Catalonia, in which the Catalan police have activated all available troops of the body .

On the part of the Police and the Civil Guard, some 2,500 agents will be prepared to act at the request of the Mossos , who will monitor all the electoral colleges so that the day passes with tranquility, as expected by the Catalan police, which has not wanted to give any official number of troops deployed.

08.59: The earliest voters

First voters queue in front of the polling station of the University of Barcelona square , a few minutes before the day begins. The camping opposite to the sentences to the leaders of the process continues in the square. The sidewalk and the adjacent lane are clear and free of political slogans , as the Electoral Board had claimed after a Cs appeal for the settlement to be evicted, Jordi Ribalaygue reports .

08.48: For each seat, 14,817 euros

The parties and coalitions will receive 14,817.35 euros for each seat of the Congress and of the Senate that they achieve in the general elections of this Sunday, an amount smaller than the one that was paid in the elections of last April 28 because the electoral repetition has reduced in 30% state subsidies .

In the case of the subsidy by vote and seat obtained, a reduction of 30 percent is applied. Thus, for each seat in Congress and the Senate a total of 14,817.35 euros will be paid, 6,350.29 euros less than in the elections last April , when 21,167.64 euros were paid for each chair in Parliament.

08.40: The cost of other elections

The repetition of the elections has forced the Government to approve a budgetary modification to be able to pay the expenses of the electoral machinery for the 10N, with a cost that approaches 136 million euros , a figure similar to that of the April generals.

This will be 520 million spent from December 2015 until now in the four general elections held, three of them anticipated: about 130 million elections in 2015 and as many in 2016, and almost 135 and 136 million, respectively, those of this year.

08.30: The keys of 10-N

Violent demonstrations in Catalonia, the exhumation of the remains of Francisco Franco, the strength of Vox, fragmentation and political instability ... These are the keys to this Sunday's elections, the fourth in four years.


  • Catalonia

After years of presuming its peaceful character, Catalan separatism has undergone a turn with the riots in Barcelona and other cities, after the Supreme Court issued the procés sentence.

  • Vox factor

The instability in Catalonia has, according to the polls, a beneficiary: the extreme right-wing party, Vox, which entered the lower house of Parliament with 24 deputies, out of a total of 350, and which the polls place as third political force.

  • Frank

Sanchez was somewhat noted when he exhumed the remains of the dictator Francisco Franco of the Valley of the Fallen, the mausoleum where he rested since his death in 1975, to re-smoke them in a discreet pantheon of the family. However, Fernando Vallespín, political scientist and former president of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS, public), believes that it will not weigh only in the elections and therefore "will not have the effect that the government, optimistically, thought it would have ".

  • Fragmentation

The traditional PP-PSOE bipartisanship flew through the air in 2015, and since then the fragmentation has only accentuated. In the conservative field three parties concur: Citizens, Vox, and a PP in strong ascent that according to Vallespín has the "possibility of having the useful vote of the right", strengthened in general by the crisis in Catalonia.

  • Instability

With the Spanish policy immersed in a logic of blocks, the surveys predict the risk of a new situation of paralysis, in which neither PSOE, Podemos and Más País would add, on the one hand, nor PP, Citizens and Vox, on the other.

08.15: Sánchez e Iglesias, the early risers

The candidates of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez , and of Podemos Podemos, Pablo Iglesias , will be the earliest at the time of voting, as they have announced that they will exercise their right to vote at 9.30 am in the morning. At that time, the socialist leader and president of the acting Government plans to deposit his ballots at the Volturno Cultural Center of the Madrid town of Pozuelo de Alarcón, the same place where he will do it an hour later, at 10.30, the president of Citizens, Albert Rivera .

At the same time that Sánchez, the leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, will cast his vote at the Public School La Navata (Galapagar, Madrid), while the PP candidate, Pablo Casado , will vote at 10.00 at the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar , from Madrid.

For his part, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal , will do so at 1:00 p.m. at the Colegio Pinar del Rey , also in the capital of Madrid, and the leader of Más País, Íñigo Errejón , at 10:30 at the Colegio Santa Teresa de Jesus of Madrid.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • General elections
  • Politics
  • Vox
  • Spain
  • PSOE
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • United We Can
  • More Country
  • PP
  • Santiago Abascal Count
  • Citizens
  • Albert rivera

10-NE general lessons 2019, live | A 70-year-old man arrested for entering a school with a loaded weapon and a razor

Spain Pablo Casado does not believe in CIS and invites Pedro Sánchez to resign if he does not take 123 seats in 10-N

PoliticsMore than 7 million voters who still doubt who to vote will decide the outcome of the elections

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