Teller Report

Bicycle race while tasting the western world Tour de la France

11/10/2019, 5:06:40 AM

A tournament where you can ride the course colored by autumn leaves by bicycle while tasting “La France”, which has the largest production in Yamagata Prefecture in Japan.

Bicycle race while tasting the western world Tour de la France Nov 10 13:59

Touring the course colored with autumn leaves by bicycle while tasting “La France”, which Yamagata Prefecture has the highest production volume in Japan, was held in Kamiyama City, Yamagata Prefecture.

This tournament, which was named “Tour de la France” in honor of the world ’s best bicycle race in France, “Tour de la France”, was the 30th.

Approximately 1,000 people from Akita Prefecture in the north and Okinawa Prefecture from the south to Okinawa Prefecture participated in the tournament, and it was divided into three courses from 20 km to 60 km.

Participants ran through lightly under the clear autumn sky, watching the fruit orchards of grapes and grapes and the autumn leaves.

In the rest area established in the middle of the course, in addition to the specialty La France, which was about to be eaten, the famous ball konnyaku was served, and the Yamagata autumn taste was fully enjoyed.

A 40-year-old man in Fukushima Prefecture who participated with an 8-year-old son said, “I participate in every year because I can go out with my child and enjoy the taste of autumn. I think. "