Teller Report

Walder, nine months, has had four near-death experiences

11/9/2019, 6:00:51 PM

Walder Johansson has only lived for more than nine months but has already been calculated four times by the doctors. Walder's parents Isabelle Norgren and Nicklas Johansson have several times been advised by Walder to be goodbye.

Walder was born on February 4 this year at Örnsköldsvik Hospital. Everything seemed normal at first, but it was clear after an hour that something was very wrong. Walder vomited blood and began to hyperventilate. There was a respirator and an ambulance to the University Hospital in Umeå.

Walder has been in hospital since he was born in February this year.

- We were so calm before the birth. I was thinking that, nothing happens to my child. That doesn't happen to us, says mother Isabelle Norgren.

One month later, Walder was given the unusual diagnosis of HLH, Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, an immune disorder that causes Walder's white blood cells to eat up the red blood cells.

Got two donors

Walder received cell toxins and high doses of cortisone but did not get better and the only hope to survive was a bone marrow transplant. The rescue came via the Tobias Register, where he quickly received not only one but two donors.

- The joy one felt about the fact that there was someone who could possibly save his life. I don't know how to put words into that feeling, says Isabelle.

Medication and illness have caused Walder to swell and have skin ulcer problems. Before the transplant, he did not want him to be touched because of the pain. He can still be sad if you take him up too quickly, because he expects it to hurt, but even those problems start to disappear.

- Now he becomes very calm when he comes into his arms. You get to hug him and he loves to swim now. Everything that has hurt him so much is gone today. It is absolutely incredible! says Isabelle.

"Feeling Hope Comes Back"

Walder's mother Isabelle comes from Nordmaling and dad Niklas from Hörnefors. The family lives in Husum where Walder has two older siblings waiting for the little brother to come home.

Today, Walder is feeling better and the swelling has subsided a bit. Now the family hopes that he will be able to come home from the hospital.

- Today it looks positive. We actually saw a few days before the first results of the transplant came. He became much nicer and ended up producing mucus and the skin that was broken when applied to him began to recover. And for the first time we got a smile from him.

- I get teary eyed just thinking about the idea and now I feel that hope is coming back. After all the horrible things that have been going on, Isabelle says.