Teller Report

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan reelected at the head of Debout France

11/9/2019, 6:27:39 PM

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan reelected at the head of Debout France

Paris (AFP)

Only candidate, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was re-elected Saturday to the presidency of the sovereignty party Debout France, after a postal vote of the activists gathered in a statutory congress, said the direction in a statement sent to AFP .

Of the 15,632 registered - down from 20,000 activists in 2018 - 8,183 people took part in the vote. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan garnered 97.6% of the vote, compared to 1.7% of blank votes and 0.7% of invalid votes.

The deputy of Essonne, who claims to be Gaullist, also paid tribute on Saturday, as every year, to General de Gaulle by laying a wreath on his tomb in Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises (Haute-Marne), the anniversary day of his disappearance.

Former member of the UMP and former candidate in the presidential elections of 2012 and 2017, he founded in 2008 Debout the Republic, which became in 2014 Standing France.

Former ally of Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential elections in 2017, his list has collected in the European elections on May 26 3.51% of the vote, a score that allows the party to be reimbursed for its campaign costs but has disappointed the militants of a credit training in the fall of 2018 of 8% of voting intentions in the polls.

According to the party, the voters of DLF then "did not vote" and the party had "lost the voices of the elderly after supporting the movement of + yellow vests +".

Mr. Dupont-Aignan had also struggled to build his list, finally betting on a figure of "yellow vests", Benjamin Cauchy, and a recruit of LR, but losing the support of the Christian-Democratic Party.

© 2019 AFP