Teller Report

Lebanon: Aoun discusses economic situation, protests continue

11/9/2019, 6:18:45 PM

Lebanese President Michel Aoun chaired a meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank and the Association of Banks, in addition to a number of ministers, to discuss the economic and financial situation in the country, while protests continue in the capital Beirut and other cities.

"The depositors' money is reserved and there is no need to panic," the head of the Association of Banks, Salim Sfeir, told a news conference on Saturday.

Al-Jadeed television also quoted Economy Minister Mansour Batish as saying: "Credits for oil, medicine and flour are available."

The two officials made the remarks after a meeting between Aoun, the finance and economy ministers, the central bank governor and other officials on the country's economic situation.

As protests against the political class and corruption continue, markets are in disarray as gas stations close, high commodity prices and problems in banks.

Protests continue since October 17 (Reuters)

Political contacts
The meeting comes amid continued contacts between political forces to try to reach a government acceptable to all parties.

Al-Jazeera's correspondent said that caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri is trying to form a non-political technocrat government, whether he is the head or another.

Hizbullah and Amal hope to form a government that confuses technocrats and parties so as not to lose their superiority in the recent elections.

The correspondent added that these three parties are still discussing to find a solution without making progress, while the World Bank Regional Director Saroj Kumar Jha Lebanon to quickly form a government within a week to prevent further loss of confidence in the economy.

For his part, said the country's Grand Mufti Abdul Latif Drian that the opportunity exists to form a government to rescue without delay from the competent and competent.

In a speech commemorating the Prophet's birthday, the Grand Mufti stressed the importance of the coming government to immediately implement the reform paper prepared by Hariri, stressing the need to respond to the demands of the people and their cross-sectarian will.

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Resignation .. pledges
Prior to her resignation, the government presented an economic paper on October 21, which included pledges to improve living conditions.

On the 30th of the same month, the government resigned after the protesters rejected the paper and insisted on remaining in the squares until the government resigned.

The protests continue in Beirut and other cities, where a number of students gathered in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants in the capital.

In the eastern Bekaa region, a number of school students also demonstrated against the need to form an independent government of experts.

In Tripoli (north), a student march toured the streets of the city, renewing the demand for economic and political reform.

The demonstrators stressed the continuation of their movements until all the demands are fulfilled, foremost of which is the formation of a new government and securing job opportunities.

The protests have been going on since October 17, the day the government announced that the 2020 budget would include new taxes and fees.

Demonstrators, who are now besieging public utilities daily, are demanding the formation of a government of non-politicians to run the country and prepare for early parliamentary elections.