Teller Report

Here, the farmer Alvin reunites with his sheep - who were rescued after two weeks in the mountains

11/9/2019, 6:42:45 PM

The farmer Alvin Berntsen had lost hope of seeing his sheep, which got stuck in the mountains after a snowstorm. But after a rescue operation by helicopter, the sheep could be brought home, and were in good health. - I couldn't get a better Saturday, he tells NRK.

The three sheep grazed farther than usual when the record amount of snow pulled in over the mountain in Tromvika outside Tromsö in Norway. The large amount of snow caused the sheep to get stuck on the mountain side.

Farmer Alvin Berntsen did his best to bring the animals home, though without success. He tried to get them down with the help of a helicopter but it could not get down to the animals. According to NRK, he even considered shooting the animals from a helicopter to avoid an extended death.

Photo: NRK

Many people in Norway were involved in the case and a fundraiser was started. In total, more than 100,000 Norwegian kroner was collected.

But after two weeks, the sheep could be rescued by helicopter.

- It is absolutely overwhelming to see everyone who has supported and helped us here, says Alvin Berntsen.