Teller Report

Fangoria: "These ultras? In the 70s we were hit by the Guerrillas of Christ the King"

11/9/2019, 1:32:38 AM

Last Halloween night, while the werewolves were having a party in hell, Fangoria was celebrating his first 30 years of life. A round celebration that has led

Last Halloween night, while the werewolves were having a party in hell, Fangoria was celebrating his first 30 years of life. A round celebration that has led Alaska and Nacho Canut to release two albums this 2019. And, well, half a year after the first part of their Extrapolations , the second arrives, which also includes two responses such as two hits in the form of hits sure. The most eclectic couple of national pop dares this time with versions of Camela , La Prohibida , Joe Crepúsculo , Hidrogenesse or Marta Sánchez herself .

The selection of themes for the previous volume was simple, but they say that they have not had it so easy now. Alaska.- There was much more to choose from. The past settles on its own, it's like you have very clear about 20 years ago which songs you like, which groups have been important to you. But of the last 10 years it can almost be anybody. Ncho.- We had to have done another one ... Alaska.- Of puritite actuality. No, what boredom ... One of the balls of this 'Extrapolations and two answers' is Marta Sánchez's 'I am'. Alaska.- Marta belongs to a genre, of electrodivas with vocals, with great pop songs, of which We could have made an entire record. But we only wanted to make one. And it had to be her. They don't like labels, but they don't take away the fact that Fangoria is the most unprejudiced group of Spanish pop ... Alaska.- No, it's not true either. We have enough prejudices. I remember the first meeting we had with Guille Milkyway and Nacho told him: "You can do whatever you want, except put a flamenco drawer." Ncho.- Well ... today, put a flamenco drawer, why not? [Laughs] More than prejudices, they are momentary whims .. There are musical styles that make us feel more uncomfortable, for example the protest song ... Alaska.- There is a man in Spain who does everything or everything seems like crap , of Astrud, for me they are protest songs ... Astrud is the only group that could bring us closer to a protest song that we could do ... What they don't have are guilty pleasures. Ncho.- No! People who are ashamed of what they like are very sad ... For the first single of this album, 'A boomerang', they have recorded a fun video in which they pay tribute to 'Dynasty', a very representative 80s soap opera of what some call 'junk culture'. In his case, as always, pure self-affirmation.Alaska.- There are many people from Dinarama who follow us for something more than the songs ... Nacho.- On the covers of Morrissey there were always actors and actresses that I didn't know about anything. I had to buy the 'Morripedia', a book in which he explains that Ask's is an actress who doesn't know what ... We are that kind of artist who is giving data all the time ... I like them what artists give you continuous clues ... When they raise the videos, do you give the director freedom? Nacho.- Yes, only Gatti. [Juan] Gatti.Alaska.- Because Gatti is part of the whole concept. As the cover of the album is continuous with that of the previous one, when Dynasty told us we asked him if he was sure he did not want to do something continuity with the video of What do you blame me for? And he replied: "Of course, I am completely sure that I do not want to do something continuity." [Laughs] He also told us " A Boomerang is a very happy song. It makes me very nervous that he is happy, so let's do something wrong that ends badly, with Blake Carrington killing Alexis." So we understood perfectly ... They always end up strangling her, killing the videos, Alaska. Nothing politically correct in these times ... Alaska.- In this case it is Nacho, which is supposed to be politically incorrect ... When I strangle Sara [Montiel] nobody said anything, and I carry in my honor that she has strangled me Sara ... Fangoria is three decades old. Would they have signed when they made the somersault of leaving Dinarama for being like this? Alaska.- We thought we were going to be the way we are now. Nacho.- Well, we thought we were going to be living in Los Angeles ... We didn't think that we were going to run out of record labels ... [Laughs] We thought we were going to be very successful, that they were going to realize that the other was an old-fashioned and stale thing that didn't have to interest anyone, and that Ours was what most interested. But it was not so, and nothing happens. [Laughs] Alaska.- It took us a decade with Fangoria to recover what is considered successful ... Nacho.- I think there are artists that reach a level, like the Pet Shop Boys, Morrissey, we ... who have their own world, we don't depend on what's happening outside, on fashion ... Britney Spears ... Céline Dion in Las Vegas ... There are always people who like to see her, and it doesn't matter if she's not fashionable, that does not make reggaeton ... That does not release new records ... Bowie would have been such a case, Michael Jackson ... Alaska.- So we are already like Cher? What a good thing! What they don't give up is the self-demand of making a turn with each new job. Ncho.- The truth is that ... We have a self-prejudice of not doing so ... But how are we not going to reggaeton if We love Alaska. - It is more ... We almost have to grab so that it does not seem that we do it because it is fashionable and sells ... Nacho.- We are not going to make an entire reggaeton record, but when we are doing a song, the first thing is to put this rhythm into it, and this one ... Noooo, what are we going to look like The smoking grandmothers ... Alaska.- Who knows our trajectory ... When we made the Mexican hurricane in 85, thankfully At that time the sauce is not that it was especially fashionable, but because we like it, we have fun making such a song. In fact, we always have to grab a little. In spring they resume the tour, after 40 concerts this year. Surprises, Alaska.- It will be similar, because for us it is the second part of the same album.Nacho.- Man, the models are changed. And the color will be another, let's move to purple. We were already putting it, but now it is the purple teletubbi . We never put a name to the tour, but this is going to be the Tinky Winky tour .Alaska has just premiered 'The last tourné', the work of Felix Sabroso with which Spain will travel. Has the venom of the theater bit him forever? Alaska.- Yes, because it's like the concerts ... It's getting in the van, sometimes with Nacho, sometimes with Bibiana [Fernández] .Nacho.- It's fantastic, because when She is going to do theater, I stop completely, I am going to live in another country, I am on vacation for months ... I do nothing and it is very good.Alaska.- What I would like is for this to be a stable company like those of before, that sometimes I am not the same, or Bibiana or Manuel [Bandera] cannot be there, but the rest is still working ... Nacho.- What you need is to make a magazine with musical numbers, which then You could join Fangoria now. It would already be a giant wagon, all there [Laughs], with dancers, puppies and everything ... They have planned to sign records in Madrid on Sunday almost as long as the election results are known. Have you followed the campaign a lot? Alaska.- The truth is that no. We vote, because you have to vote to complain. And before I read all the programs, but why? If they are not fulfilled, if it is not true ... Nacho.- I am already fed up with campaigns. I'm going to vote too, but come on ... I don't follow her or think there are people who follow her. I don't even have a television. Do you share this growing disenchantment with politics? Nacho.- No. I love politics. It seems to me that we are living ultrainteresting years. You can complain about many things, but of boredom, no ... We are living interesting and ulterior times ... Alaska.- You are talking to two people who started at the end of the 70.Nacho.- The Guerrillas of Christ the King loved us paste. I have been threatened and I have been given skinheads . So I do not talk about ultras, because I have suffered. They were times when they hit you physically. You were in the queue of the cinema, they came and you had to defend the people. So we are not living anything we have not lived.Alaska.- The world is very cyclical. And as it is, we sat quietly, waiting to see if another cycle arrives.

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  • Spain
  • Madrid
  • Michael Jackson
  • Halloween
  • LOC

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