Teller Report

Dead and dozens injured in Iraq after a political agreement to end the protests «force»

11/9/2019, 10:11:21 PM

Seven Iraqi demonstrators were killed and dozens injured in Baghdad and Basra yesterday, following the announcement of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, a reshuffled ministerial and an agreement between the political blocs to keep the current authority, even if it requires the use of force to end the protests.

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Seven Iraqi protesters were killed and dozens wounded in Baghdad and Basra on Wednesday after Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi announced an upcoming cabinet reshuffle and an agreement between political blocs to keep the current authority, even if force was needed to end protests.

In detail, security forces dispersed the crowds demanding to "topple the regime" in the capital Baghdad, with live bullets and tear gas canisters, and according to correspondents from the Agence France-Presse, gunfire was heavy at the entrance to the tunnel leading to Tahrir Square, and saw a number of injured protesters Four demonstrators were killed, three of them with live ammunition, one with a tear gas canister, and at least 80 others were injured, according to police. According to security and medical sources.

Demonstrators marched towards the bridges of Al-Sunak, Al-Ahrar and Martyrs, parallel to Al-Jumhuriya Bridge in the north.These bridges witnessed clashes between the demonstrators and the security forces that repelled them.The Iraqi forces fired tear gas and regained control of the three bridges.

Further south, in the oil-rich Basra province, security forces used live bullets against demonstrators heading to the provincial council building, killing three people and injuring dozens of others.

For his part, the Iraqi Prime Minister issued a statement yesterday, stressing that he will continue to investigate the cases of martyrs and wounded demonstrations, and prosecute those implicated criminally. "The demonstrations have helped and will help put pressure on the political forces, the government, the legislative, executive and judicial authorities to correct the paths and accept the changes. Just as the demonstrations are a movement to return to the natural rights of the people, the continuation of the demonstrations should serve the return of normal life in which legitimate demands are fulfilled," Mahdi said in the statement. ».

He continued: «The government and judicial authorities will continue to investigate the cases of martyrs and wounded demonstrators and troops, and will not remain a detainee of the demonstrators, and will be brought to trial those found guilty of criminal offenses, and from any party», pointing out that there are popular demands for comprehensive or partial ministerial changes to get out of the system Quota, to make the government more youthful, efficient and transparent, an important reshuffle will be made in response.

He added that there are several steps to reform the electoral system will be put during the next few days, pointing out that «in addition to the reform packages issued successively from the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives, there are other new packages of reforms, including the adoption of a schedule to reduce the salaries of senior officials in half, as well as amendments In the salary scale for the fairness of the lower classes, achieving greater social justice, and the application of a system of social compensation that would not leave Iraq below the poverty line, and the application of social security and labor rights and retirement, so that workers in the private sector with the public sector.

On the Internet, Abdul Mahdi stressed that "the authorities are sometimes forced to restrict the Internet, when it believes that it is used to promote violence and hatred," noting that these restrictive measures will remain limited and temporary to a minimum.

In addition, two political sources confirmed that the main political forces in Iraq agreed to maintain the current authority, even if it was forced to use force to end the protests calling for the "overthrow of the regime," according to Agence France-Presse.

One of these sources, one of the cadres of parties that participated in the recent meetings of political forces, pointed out that the parties agreed during a meeting involving the majority of the leaders of the large blocs to adhere to Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, and to stick to power in return for reforms in the files of anti-corruption and constitutional amendments, and the parties also agreed To "support the government in ending the protests by all available means."

Other political sources also pointed out that the agreement between the parties concerned (including others and the wisdom), came after the meeting of the commander of the «Quds Force» in the «Iranian Revolutionary Guards» Qasem Soleimani, with the leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr, and Mohammad Reza Sistani (The son of Shiite cleric Ali al-Sistani), which resulted in the agreement to remain Abdul Mahdi in office.

The sources confirmed that the only party that rejected the agreement is the coalition «victory» led by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who believes that the only solution to the crisis is the departure of Abdul Mahdi from power.

Abdul Mahdi confirms the start of reform of the electoral system, and put forward new reform packages. A reshuffle is expected .. The political blocs agree to keep the current authority.

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