Teller Report

Cords in postmodernism and “nepotism” by Gagarina: what is the fifth episode of the Voice show remembered for

11/9/2019, 6:57:39 AM

On Friday, November 8, the fifth edition of the eighth season of the Voice show was aired. As part of the stage of blind auditions, mentors continued to select performers for their teams, still conducting "bids" for the vocalists they liked. The jury managed to watch performances of 12 performers, eight of whom will continue to participate in the project. The highlights of the show are in RT.

On Friday, November 8, Channel One viewers saw the fifth edition of the eighth season of the Voice vocal show. Mentors of the project - Konstantin Meladze, Sergey Shnurov, Polina Gagarina and Valery Syutkin - continued to select performers in their teams at the stage of blind auditions. This time, luck smiled at the eight vocalists.

The cover for the Aerosmith song I Don't Want to Miss a Thing performed by Natalia Sidortsova was liked by all the mentors - the first to press the button was Konstantin Meladze. Polina Gagarina introduced the participant to the jury: “This is my classmate, the one who wrote all the dictations for me because she heard them right away.”

In turn, Meladze asked the performer to pay attention to who was the first to turn, "when nothing had yet foretold." Gagarina hastened to explain that she hadn’t turned because the “button had jammed”.

“It would be a great honor and joy for me if you and I united in ecstasy and did some cool numbers,” Gagarina told the vocalist, which Meladze was quick to call nepotism. Shnurov decided to support Meladze and advised Sidortsova to go on a team to the producer. As a result, the vocalist chose him as his mentor.

On the penultimate day of blind auditions, the 18-year-old Ragda Khanieva was also lucky, having chosen the song Bird Set Free of the Australian singer Sia to perform. The girl has already taken part in the children's format of the show and became a finalist of the first season, “Voice. Children".

Three mentors turned to the vocalist, with the exception of Valery Syutkin. “Please, let's go together, we don’t have to turn anywhere,” Gagarin urged the participant.

Then their teams began to advertise Shnurov and Meladze. Upon learning that Khanieva was a student of the faculty of journalism, mentors began to recall in which field they had graduated. Shnurov spoke about studying at a theological institute, noting that it makes sense for the participant to choose his team - “there will be one and the same philosophical apparatus”.

Meladze remembered how he studied at the shipbuilding institute and added that he was close to the mentality of the Caucasian people.

“I am almost your fellow countryman, therefore I know such secrets, it seems to me, about women from the Caucasus that are inaccessible to children. I would very much like to work with you, ”added Meladze.

The girl had long doubted which team she should join, but in the end, Shnurov's arguments seemed to her most convincingly.

The next participant, Svetlana Mamresheva, chose the song “Iceberg” from Alla Pugacheva’s repertoire to perform at blind auditions. She managed to win over the same three members of the jury.

This time there was no PR for the teams of mentors - the vocalist chose Meladze.

Polina Gagarina’s team was supplemented by a participant from Tallinn Nick Prokopieva, who performed the song of Alex Claire Too Close.

“I think we will set up a real fire on the stage,” Gagarina commented on her choice.

All four mentors turned to Armenian singer Inna Sayadyan, who chose the Armenian folk song Sareri hovin mernem for her performance.

“You got the voice of the earth. I know for sure that we will find something from the French culture that suits you because it is very related, ”Syutkin began to advertise his team.

Meladze intercepted the baton, also noting that he clearly knows what repertoire to offer the participant in the future.

“As soon as the duduk began to play, my colleagues began to look at me, because if the duduk, then it is addressed to me. You sang so brilliantly. I am absolutely sure that you can sing not only folk music. I clearly know what to do next with you, ”he assured.

Gagarina was concise, noting that she could offer only herself. Sergey Shnurov also turned out to be a little verbose: “I just liked it, and I turned around.” The girl chose the team Meladze.

The song "Lullaby" (known as performed by Muslim Magomayev) in the interpretation of the participant from Saratov, Dmitry Klinayev, was liked by Sergei Shnurov.

“My team lacks some seriousness from which such an incredible postmodern can be made. I think we can do it, ”said the mentor.

A member of the team of Valery Syutkin was a native of Kyrgyzstan Nurzhigit Subankulov. For the performance, he chose the composition of Ray Charles I've Got a Woman, released in 1954.

Commenting on his performance, Syutkin thanked the participant for his dedication to the style.

“There are not many people left who value this music, because it is very natural. Rock and roll classic annoys no one. We will move in different directions, ”he said.

Finally, the last vocalist from Belarus, Roman Voloznev, sang Leonid Agutin's song “On the Lilac Moon”. Two mentors turned to him - Meladze and Syutkin. However, PR team took Shnurov, who recommended the vocalist to join Syutkin.

He, in turn, noted that if the contestant wants to develop as a composer, it is better to join the team of Konstantin Meladze.

“It was very musical. It is evident that you think not as a vocalist, - commented on the performance of Meladze. - For me the truth is very important that Valera voted for you. He is a man of deep taste. ”

Meladze also called Syutkin “a karmic brother”, since the middle name of the musician (Miladovich) is consonant with the name of Meladze. As a result, Voloznev chose Meladze as his mentor.

During the next release, which will be final at the stage of blind auditions, mentors will have to understaff their teams. So far, there are 11 people in the teams of Meladze and Shnurov, and nine performers in the teams of Syutkin and Gagarina.