Teller Report

Franck Riester exceptional guest of Philippe Vandel from 9h to 10h

11/8/2019, 7:58:18 AM

The Minister of Culture & nbsp; will speak, from 9am to 10am at the microphone of Europe 1, on all major media topics of the autumn.

The Minister of Culture will speak, from 9am to 10am at the microphone of Europe 1, on all major media topics of the season.


All questions will be asked! Franck Riester will be questioned about his project of reform of the public broadcasting with the constitution of a Holding, the lightening of the advertising regulations and the claims of the radios while the last arbitrations are profiled.

Philippe Vandel will also ask him about the new players in the market and the obligations that these platforms must meet. He will also unveil the tracks examined to review the calculation of the fee. Finally, the Minister of Culture, will return to the standoff between Google and the French press.