Teller Report

A doctor from Okinawa who lent money to a high school student who lost his wallet

11/8/2019, 6:06:38 AM

In fact, a man in Saitama who became the news of lending money to a strange high school student who lost his wallet with air ticket charges in Okinawa. ...

A doctor from Okinawa who lends money to a high school student who lost his wallet.

In fact, a man in Saitama who became the news of lending money to a strange high school student who lost his wallet with air ticket charges in Okinawa. The man is from Naha City and has a deep connection with Shuri Castle, where the fire broke out last month, and is hoping to rebuild it as a symbol of Ryukyu in the age of Ryowa. The

Dr. Hiroshi Kanoya (68), a doctor from Saitama Prefecture, helped by lending 60,000 yen to a strange local high school student who had lost his wallet with air ticket charges when visiting Okinawa in April. I reunited with an article published in a local newspaper.

Kanoya was originally deeply related to Okinawa and Shuri Castle.

Born in Naha City, his parents' home is in the immediate vicinity of Shuri Castle and graduated from Shuri Junior High School and Shuri High School.

At that time, the main shrine of Shuri Castle was before being restored, but I went to school while watching the guard gate, which was a picture of a 2000 yen bill.

The ancestor told me that there was a doctor in the Ryukyu Kingdom, and after graduating from high school, he decided to leave Okinawa and aim to become a doctor on the walls of Shuri Castle.

Mr. Suganoya said about Shuri Castle, "Since the Japanese came home from abroad and looked at Mt. Fuji, they just came to Naha just by looking at Shuri Castle's gate. “This is my hometown, which is very important to me, and this time my brother told me that Shurijo Castle was burnt, and my tears didn't stop.”

On top of that, Mr. Kanoya said, “I would like you to create a Shuri Castle that will become a symbol of Ryukyu with various wisdoms in the reign era. I want to help, ”he said.