Teller Report

Timati told how Decl were not allowed to braid dreadlocks

11/7/2019, 1:24:44 PM

Rap singer Timati (Timur Yunusov) during an interview for a documentary about Decl (Kirill Tolmatsky) spoke about communication and cooperation with the musician at the beginning of his career.

In particular, Timati explained how he became a backing vocalist with Decl.

“Cyril knew well that I understand culture, because I lived in LA for three years, spoke good English, and dressed in a cool way, as everyone did not dress then. For which he was beaten more than once in the subway and public transport by those who did not share my point of view and the width of my pants, ”the rapper recalled.

According to Yunusov, Tolmatsky Jr. saw in him “a certain carrier of this culture”.

“Just one day he came and said:“ You know, my dad has acquired some media assets and is now doing a big party. Together with him, Vlad Valov, we will have Legalization, Pans and so on. You don’t want to go work with me as a back MC? ” Well, I think: "Cool chance." In principle, I have not received such proposals around. I agreed with joy, ”said Timati.

The rapper also emphasized that it was he, and not Decl, who made the dreadlocks the first.

“Cyril walked for a long, long time ... at first dad did not allow him. Sasha told him: “No, there will not be such a hairstyle.” Later, of course, when I had a bit of industry, they became denser, Cyril weaved them from the same guy, ”Yunusov said.

Timati also noted that since Decl “fell off everything and immediately literally in one year”, at some point he “flew off the top”.

“Star sickness” manifested itself in a manner of behavior, including “some kind of imposingness” and an inadmissible tone of communication with attendants, he specified.

Read more about the documentary about Dezl "With closed windows" - in the material RT.