Teller Report

IAEA Special Council criticizes Iran's refusal to enter nuclear facilities

11/7/2019, 10:14:34 PM

IAEA = International countries have held a special board meeting and Iran has refused to allow IAEA inspectors to enter nuclear facilities ...

IAEA Special Council criticized Iran's refusal to enter nuclear facilities Nov. 8 at 6:59

IAEA = A special board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency was held, and Iran was criticized by countries for refusing to enter IAEA inspectors into nuclear facilities. I pointed out that there was a suspicion of not reporting.

A special board meeting was held on the 7th at IAEA, headquartered in Vienna, and when an IAEA inspector visited a nuclear facility in Natans, central Iran last week, he was denied access for suspicious things. The issue was taken up.

The IAEA explained that Iran's inspector's actions were temporarily restricted by Iran, and US Ambassador Walcott claimed that "the inspector was detained." The EU representative said, “I am deeply concerned and ask Iran to prevent a recurrence.”

In response, Ambassador Gala Abadi of Iran argued that this was not a restraint after explaining that the security check detected a suspicious substance from one of the inspectors, and conducted an investigation.

In addition, the US pointed out that Iran is suspected of not declaring nuclear materials at some facilities, and as Iran's nuclear consensus is becoming more complex, IAEA will no longer cooperate fully with inspection activities. There are also concerns that it has come.

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