Teller Report

1.7 million passengers use the metro and tram in 3 days

11/7/2019, 10:13:09 PM

According to the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), the number of metro and tram users in the seventh session of the three-day event of Dubai's major discounts (31 October and 1 and 2 November) reached one million and 757 thousand passengers, including one million and 699 thousand passengers through the Dubai Metro, and 57 thousand and 837 passengers Via Dubai Tram

According to the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), the number of metro and tram users in the seventh session of the three-day event of Dubai's major discounts (31 October and 1 and 2 November) reached one million and 757 thousand passengers, including one million and 699 thousand passengers through the Dubai Metro, and 57 thousand and 837 passengers Via Dubai Tram. On Thursday, it set a record for the number of users of the Dubai Metro, where its users exceeded 700 thousand passengers, the third highest number recorded by the metro after the New Year's Eve on December 31, 2018, which numbered 893 thousand passengers, then January 31, 2019, which happened Dubai Shopping Festival, the metro transported about 707 thousand passengers.

The Dubai Tram transported 23,763 passengers on Thursday, October 31, the second highest number recorded by the tram in 2018 and 2019, where it was transported on the New Year's Eve last year 33 thousand passengers.