Teller Report

The issue of right away from the EU

11/6/2019, 9:18:38 PM

In the United Kingdom, the parliament was dissolved on the 6th, and the EU-European union left the biggest issue for next month's general election.

The issue of right away from the EU The British Parliament 5 weeks election campaign begins 7 November 6:14


In the United Kingdom, the parliament was dissolved on the 6th, and a five-week campaign began for the general election next month, with the greatest issue of leaving the EU = European Union.

The British Parliament House was dissolved on the 6th, and the campaign began in earnest for the general election on the 12th of next month. In the five-week campaign, the biggest issue is the departure from the EU, and 650 seats will be contested in the small constituency system.

Prime Minister Johnson issued a statement in front of the prime minister ’s residence, “An agreement to leave the EU has already been prepared. He said that if the conservative party wins, it can be achieved without further confusion.

On the other hand, Corbin, the leader of the largest opposition and labor party, said, “The Conservative Party could not achieve the withdrawal even after three years. If we take the power, we will ask the people once more about the withdrawal.” After revising the idea of ​​implementing it again, he stressed that the medical system that is highly interested by the public will be expanded.

In the latest public opinion poll, the Conservative Party is leading the Labor Party, but on June 6, the election campaign has started to be turbulent, as Johnson's ministers resigned over scandals related to former aides. The