Teller Report

Municipal: Invested by Republicans, Rachida Dati wants to "change Paris"

11/6/2019, 8:12:38 PM

Rachida Dati was designated Wednesday Republican candidate for the municipal elections of March 2020 in Paris. She was in front of Marie-Claire Carrère-Gée, 14th district LR councilor and president of the LRI group (Republicans and Independents). & Nbsp;

Rachida Dati was designated Wednesday Republican candidate for the municipal elections of March 2020 in Paris. She was in front of Marie-Claire Carrère-Gée, LR councilor of the 14th arrondissement and president of the LRI group (Republicans and Independents).

Rachida Dati was designated Wednesday Republican candidate for the municipal elections of March 2020 in Paris, said the party in a statement, a battle she will place under the slogan "Committed to change Paris".

The national commission of investiture (CNI) has as expected dubbed the former guard of the Seals of Nicolas Sarkozy who faced as the only rival Marie-Claire Carrère-Gée, counselor LR of the XIVth arrondissement and president of the group LRI (The Republicans and independents) CNI President Eric Ciotti said in a statement. Rachida Dati was immediately delighted with this investiture, assuring in a statement sent to AFP that his campaign would have as priorities "safety, cleanliness", "families" and "ecology, health".

A municipal police armed to fight "against the delinquency of the daily"

It is about "reconciling Parisians with Paris, after 12 years of socialist mandate," says candidate LR, whose political advisor will be the former mayor of the sixteenth arrondissement Claude Goasguen - which seals reconciliation after sometimes tense relations . In his program, Rachida Dati proposes in particular to establish "a municipal police force assigned priority to the fight against the delinquency of the daily" and a reduction of the tariff of the canteens with "a maximum price paid for a meal of 3.50 euros from the return to 2020 against 7 euros today ".

Promising to focus her ecological project "around the health and well-being", the candidate LR undertakes to launch a plan "healthy air for our children" (sensors of measurement of the quality of the air, purifiers filtering the particles...). The candidate, who will gather its activists Thursday evening in a coffee shop of the twentieth, entrusted the direction of its campaign to the communicant Nelly Garnier, and the function of spokesman Gilles Mentre, former deputy director of cabinet of François Baroin.

>> READ ALSO - Investigation involving Rachida Dati: "I'm not fooled by maneuvers", responds the candidate for mayor of Paris

The Republicans also supported the outgoing mayor of Saint-Etienne Gaël Perdriau, that of Saint-Chalmond (Loire) Hervé Reynaud and that of Roanne (Loire) Yves Nicolin.

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