Teller Report

French Games: the action will cost between 16.50 and 19.90 euros

11/6/2019, 8:51:43 PM

In an interview given to the daily & quot; Le Parisien & quot; Wednesday, the Minister of Economy & nbsp; Bruno Le Maire announced that the price of the action of the French Games will be between 16.50 euros and 19.90 euros. The initial public offering of the FDJ is scheduled for November 21st. & Nbsp;

In an interview with the daily "Le Parisien" Wednesday, the Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire announced that the price of the action of the French Games will be between 16.50 euros and 19.90 euros. The initial public offering of the FDJ is scheduled for November 21st.

Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire announced Wednesday that the price of the action of the French Games, which will enter the stock market, will be between 16.50 euros and 19.90 euros.

State retains 20% of its capital

The state plans to sell 52% of the capital - out of a total of 72% today - and is "ready to reserve up to a third to individuals," he said in an interview with Paris . He also said that the government has set the minimum threshold for this subscription, which starts on Thursday, at 200 euros. "The subscription is open from Thursday, November 7 and until Tuesday, November 19 at 20 hours, for individuals," said Bruno Le Maire.

Benefits for small savers

To convince them to invest, several advantages are reserved for small savers, recalled the minister: a discount of 2% is thus provided on the titles they will buy, and they will also be awarded a free share for ten bought they keep them for 18 months. "Free shares are, however, capped at 5,000 euros of shares purchased," warned Bruno Le Maire. Asked about the risks involved, as previously during the privatizations of Renault or EDF, Bruno Le Maire was reassuring, saying that "the markets are not comparable".

>> READ ALSO - Privatization of the French games: "a great communication campaign" to encourage individuals

"Those of the energy and the automotive industry can vary more, especially depending on global factors," he said, highlighting the "dynamic growth" of the FDJ and the figures of the consumption of games in France "in regular increase". On the side of private investors, they are "many" to have expressed their interest in this IPO, assured the minister, who however was careful not to mention names before the operation.