Teller Report

The signing of the "Riyadh Agreement" between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transition

11/5/2019, 3:37:05 PM

The Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council signed an agreement to end the power struggle in southern Yemen.

The agreement was signed by Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister Salem al-Khanbashi and the Southern Transitional Council (NTC), a member of its chairmanship, Nasser al-Khabaji, in the presence of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said his country would continue to pursue the aspirations of the Yemeni people and reach a political agreement to resolve the Yemeni crisis.

The Saudi crown prince added that the Riyadh agreement, which was signed today, "will open the prospects for a broad agreement among the Yemeni components."

The draft agreement was reached earlier last month, amid rejection of the components of the southern movement.

The Yemeni government and the southern transition had held secret talks and discussions mediated by Riyadh in the Saudi city of Jeddah.

At the end of the talks, an agreement was signed on October 25, which provides for the formation of a government of 24 ministries "equally between the southern and northern governorates of Yemen."

Saudi officials and media said earlier that the government would be stationed in Aden again under the auspices of Prime Minister Moin Saeed to "re-launch state institutions."

Implementation of the agreement would ensure a "joint committee" overseen by the Saudi-led military alliance, but southern factions have declared their rejection of what they say is the dissolution of the south in a particular political faction, legitimized without consensus or consensus.

The components - in a statement - that it adheres to the rejection of the uniqueness of the Southern Transitional Council - trained and armed by the UAE - to sign the Riyadh agreement with the legitimate government, and considered as the sole representative of the issue of the south.

After their meeting in Riyadh, the components stressed the need to reach a collective southern consensus that establishes a sustainable social peace, as well as launching development in southern Yemen.

It is noteworthy that on October 14, the UAE handed over important sites in Aden (southern Yemen) to Saudi forces, including the city airport, in order to facilitate the implementation of any agreement between the Yemeni government and the southern transition.

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