Teller Report

The expert: How ÖFK can be affected by the judgment

11/5/2019, 2:00:48 PM

Today, the verdict came against Östersund FK's former chairman Daniel Kindberg. At the same time, the club does not risk being forcibly degraded. Then SVT Sports expert Markus Johannesson criticizes the Swedish Football Association's regulations. - For me it would have been good if this had been properly investigated, he tells SVT Sport.

Östersund FK's former chairman Daniel Kindberg was sentenced today to a three-year prison sentence for infidelity against the principal.

For SVT's expert Markus Johannesson, the verdict was an expected outcome.

Östersund is also affected by a company fine of half a million SEK which falls on the subsidiary Driftaren.

- It can of course mean a lot for a club that has financial problems before, which we know that ÖFK has, says Johannesson and continues.

- At the same time, the judgment may also mean to them is that there will be a point on this and on all the speculation that has been.

"No notification on the table"

ÖFK is still struggling to get an elite license for next year from the licensing committee. This is because of the strained economy and the debts it had at 31 August.

However, regardless of whether you get an elite license for the coming season or not, SVT's expert Johanneson wishes that Daniel Kindberg's previous involvement in the economy and ÖFK would be thoroughly examined.

Earlier this year, the Swedish Football Association filed a complaint against ÖFK, but it was closed due to limitation periods.

- So right now there is no notification up on the table against ÖFK which to me feels very strange. All of a sudden, it has become so that ÖFK is not examined without the whole discussion being about a period of limitation and not if there were any financial irregularities in ÖFK in the form of Daniel Kindberg's actions.

"Getting weird"

The Swedish Football Association confirmed during the day that it is now proposed as a future meeting of representatives in November to change the limitation period from two months to six months.

- I think it is positive that you look over the rules but at the same time I feel that it will be strange and that speculation will continue around ÖFK.