Teller Report

Women's wisdom and squash caviar: what are they joking about in the new comedy show Nezlobin and Svetlakov

11/4/2019, 1:48:48 PM

In early November, will host the premiere of the original “Stand Up Underground” show from ex-Comedy Club members: Alexander Nezlobin is responsible for directing and Sergey Svetlakov for producing. As part of the project, budding comedians share with the audience a personal vision of actual problems in a humorous way, and, as the creators of the program promise, uncensored. RT got acquainted with the pilot release of “Standup Underground”.

On Thursday, November 7, the stand-up Underground comedy show, a new product from the more originals line, starts on

The director of the program is responsible for the comedian Alexander Nezlobin, and his comedy club colleague, actor and TV presenter Sergei Svetlakov is responsible for the production. The host of the show was Ilya Ovechkin, who was familiar to viewers on the Stand Up program on TNT.

According to Nezlobin, the organizers provided the young artists with the most suitable conditions for creative development.

“We want them to be with us for love, and not for a contract. This is not a very convenient approach for us, but Sergey (Svetlakov. - RT ) and I work on the stage ourselves and understand the guys not as producers, but as comedians. We want them to think only about creativity. So everyone will win, ”the director emphasized.

The creators of the project gathered dozens of young artists who are ready to attack the viewer with topical humor on any - especially the most sensitive - topics (and since the project will be broadcast on the Internet site, they promise humor without censorship restrictions).

There is also no competitive element in the show: participants fight only for the emotional response of the audience.

The Standup Underground brought together those who had decided to become a comedian recently and experienced comedians who had already appeared on television. For example, Ariana Lolaeva represented Vladikavkaz on the Comedy Battle show.

  • © Screenshot from video: Youtube

In the first issue of the new project, she told the audience about the failed date, beat the stereotype of female wisdom, which, as opposed to universal, should have a devastating effect on the outside world, and, of course, spoke about the difficulties of raising a single-parent family (to the last topic in her speeches many stand-bys are contacting). The actress attracts the attention of the audience with brutal humor and a penchant for sexism.

Dmitry Koval, a resident of Moscow Stand-Up Club # 1, also did not bypass the problem of relations between men and women. His idea of ​​living together is on the verge of a foul. For example, for an artist it is preferable that his girlfriend is diagnosed with a serious illness, rather than pregnancy.

Sasha Ni, who is just starting his journey in stand-up, made a bet on the national characteristics of his Russian-Korean family, and also spoke about the biggest culinary disappointment in life - squash caviar.

Another novice comedian Artyom Emelyanov revealed another attack of Russian society: according to his observations, the behavior of people who are late for electric trains resembles Tourette’s syndrome (the most famous symptom of this ailment is involuntary shouting of curses). He also compared the fight of the homeless with the Mortal Combat, and the famous fatality - with the “finishing” blow of “buhaliti”.

KVN player and Comedy Battle participant Vladislav Kopytov-Shamray recalled his school years when it was enough to get chickenpox to become the Hulk, and squint played a decisive role in the formation of ultra-right views.

At the end of the release, the audience was waiting for a bonus - a performance by Nezlobin. He joked about the forgotten stars of Russian show business, Dominic Joker and Kai Metov, and also attracted the attention of spectators to ostentatious philanthropy using the example of Western philanthropists: “We all know that Bill Gates does charity work anonymously.”