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Video: Eva Peron .. Inspirational Argentina and «spiritual leader of the nation»

11/4/2019, 10:13:05 PM

Each achievement has its own story, which varies with its owner and its perception of what surrounds him, be it a painting, sculpture, engineering design, fashion collection, or an event that has changed the course of history. Whatever the work is different in its composition, and the invisible threads that formed it, which you can only see

Each achievement has its own story, which varies with its owner and its perception of what surrounds him, be it a painting, sculpture, engineering design, fashion collection, or an event that has changed the course of history. Whatever the work is different in its composition, and the invisible threads that formed it, which you see only the eye of its owner, the inspiring character remains the only criterion that does not change, and that mysterious and controversial relationship remains the real spark that provokes innovation .. Who are the inspirations in history?

Between extreme poverty and a dream of success, and between the power of ambition and the cruelty of disease, Eva Peron has been able to become the inspiration of the Argentine people for decades. That had an unrepeatable impact on the general public.

Despite the great controversy over the reality of Evita, and the extent of the great aura that surrounded her short years of life, this cannot negate the fact that she was able to have the Argentine people a figure closer to the legend, for her ability to influence the strong and controversial on them, which Her husband then helped to get Argentina's presidency, and for two consecutive terms, which frightened her opponents and enemies even after her death and the smuggling of her remains.

The baptismal documents show that Maria Eva Duarte was born on May 7, 1919 in the province of Junin, on the outskirts of the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, to a wealthy father of cattle farmer, Juan Duarte, and a poor mother, Juana Ibarguerin, who was not his official wife. It did not last long, as the father abandoned his mistress and illegitimate children, and returned to his wife when Eva was still a year old. Without leaving her a way to spend on her children, Juana was forced to move to a poor area with her and her children, gathering sustenance by sewing, and although the church allowed Juana and her sons to bid farewell to their father who died suddenly, they were not welcome to stay at a ceremony. The funeral.

Artistic ambition Like any mother, Eva's mother wanted her daughters to get a proper marriage, but Eva had other schemes in the world of art and acting. The glamor of the capital was calling her, so she decided to flee to what was known in the 1930s as “Paris South America”. She is still 15 years old, in 1934. With Eva moving from one intimate relationship to another, at the same time she moved from one job to another, where she worked as a film actress for the radio, theater, and finally a film actress, a period in which she decided to bleach her black hair by nature, And keep it for the rest of her life.

Love earthquake

A strong earthquake in January 1944 in the town of San Juan, and the death of 10,000 people, caused the then Minister of Labor, Brigadier Juan Peron, to hold a fundraising party, which had to bring together a number of artists and celebrities to achieve the goal. The 48-year-old Peron and the 24-year-old young blonde Evita, who have not left each other since that moment, ended up leaving the party around 2 am together and married a year later.

Although Duarte was not popular among her peers or the close circle of Peron, she was able to blend into the details of his daily life and transform Peron into one of the most beloved characters among the workers and the poor, who brought him out. The prison, after the government's fear of increasing his authority and popularity, where about 350 thousand demonstrated in front of the headquarters of the government demanding his release, a demonstration that was said to have been planned by his wife Eva.

Increasingly popular

The presence of Eva Peron alongside her husband, and their focus on winning the love of the poor and working people who were the majority in a time of poverty and unemployment, was one of the most important reasons for Peron won Argentina's presidency in 1946 by a landslide, which she ran for after he was released from prison. To be on his side, and one of the most important elements of his election campaign. Eva Peron and her husband-in-law's "Rainbow Tour" have become one of the most famous tours, and the first lady to appear on the cover of The Times for the first time. The politician is remarkable. Whether Eva Peron, the “faithful and national heroine” that the Argentine people believed in, or just an ambitious woman, with her intelligence and hungry past she did not want to turn Argentina into her own play, monopolizing power and money, but at the same time, she was able to create Positive influence through numerous charitable acts and role models in transforming Argentine women from a mere subordinate to a real vote with the right to vote.

Disease and deterioration

Eva's unexpected illness, the discovery of her cancer, and her rapid deterioration in health were a shock to the Argentine people, and although she had run for vice president, her severe setback caused her to quit.

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Evita, the first Argentinian to be treated with chemotherapy, did not stop her from standing with her husband, who for the second time in a row won Argentina's presidency, a time when she was in very poor health, weighing 37 kg and wearing a mold. Down her big coat helps her to sit normally, as well as taking a large amount of painkillers before and after the celebration of the win. The announcement of the death of the first lady of Argentina at the age of 32 was shocking news for the people, as the crowds began to gather in front of the presidential residence, in a huge crowd of more than 20 square kilometers, in a severe stampede that died and injured dozens.