Teller Report

The small print of the "masterpiece" in which Hamilton works

11/4/2019, 6:30:36 PM

Shortly after conquering his sixth World title in the Circuit of the Americas, Lewis Hamilton promises war for the future. Only Michael Schumacher won more than him, but the ré

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Shortly after conquering his sixth World title in the Circuit of the Americas, Lewis Hamilton promises war for the future. Only Michael Schumacher won more than him, but the German record seems within reach of the British. « I am working on a masterpiece and I have not finished it yet . It takes a long time to master a trade and I feel that I am doing it, but there is much more to master, more pieces to add to the puzzle, ”he told The London Free Press .

The warning is completely plausible in light of the figures of the world hexacampeón, whose overwhelming dominance on the track has many points in common with those of the German. In fact, only certain emotional disturbances, linked to the concern for the environment, could end this hegemony. «I am human and I have ups and downs. Celebrities also suffered our bad times, ”he revealed 10 days ago, to explain a previous message where he had opened the door to“ leave everything ”. Hamilton's militancy with veganism and the care of the planet has led him to abandon his private jet and the collection of sports cars in favor of flights on commercial lines and transfers in an electric Smart .

We must not resolve here whether it is an exemplary pioneer or a capricious demagogue. However, it should be remembered that its income over 13 seasons already exceeds 450 million euros . The remaining year of the contract with Mercedes, until the end of 2020, must still report 45 million more, including juicy sponsorships. Therefore, at 34, only his own conscience should resolve this conflict between reaching Schumacher or abandoning everything.

To eight victories of the 'Kaiser'

The most prestigious record of El Kaiser , is undoubtedly represented by its 91 victories . Barely eight more than Hamilton, that next season, the last before the regulatory revolution, could hunt him down. "It's an exciting new goal," Wolff warned about it. For this, it would be enough to maintain this infernal rhythm of 10 annual victories, initiated in 2014, when the turbo hybrid era began. No less than 60 wins in 119 races with the aforementioned V6 engines, for a percentage slightly higher than 50%.

The relevance of this Schumi record, removed in 2012 at age 43, is best understood from a different perspective, although also linked to the most glorious past of the Grand Circus. And it is that between Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost accumulated 92 wins, only one more of the ceiling that Hamilton must now tear down. The extreme competitiveness of Schumacher opened the doors of another record that now sees something closer to the former McLaren driver. These are those 15 consecutive seasons (1992-2006) with at least one victory in the championship. Lewis already adds 13 without missing the appointment .

Another of the most remembered deeds by motor fans are Schumacher's eight victories in the French GP. A figure that could be matched next year in Hungary or Canada. And is that the regularity of the leader of Mercedes was overwhelming in recent seasons. Until this Sunday, it links 30 consecutive races in the points. Since October 2016, the only exception of the Austrian GP 2018, the only one of the last 62 races in which he left empty . Of course, these numbers move to their appearances on the podium. In fact, his 148 presences in the drawer represent an effectiveness of 60%, which increases to 80% since 2014. Schumacher, on the other hand, could not maintain this cruising speed in the final leg of his career and only uncorked the champagne in one of his 58 races with Mercedes (Valencia 2012).

In any case, the tyranny during the glorious five-year period 2000-2004 allowed Schumacher to accumulate 22 perfect weekends, with pole position, triumph and a quick lap in the race . This record seems one of the most arduous for Hamilton, who still needs seven more to reach him. The last immense challenge is Schumacher's 13 victories in the 2014 World Cup . Only Sebastian Vettel could match this figure in 2013, while Lewis Hamilton did not exceed 11 in 2014 and 2018.

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  • sports
  • Formula 1
  • Lewis Hamilton
  • michael schumacher

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