Teller Report

The questions in Catalan to the coach of Girona unleash the anger in the stadium of Extremadura

11/4/2019, 9:06:53 AM

The press room of the Francisco de la Hera Stadium was the scene of a tense confrontation between journalists who had followed Girona's victory over Extremadura (

The press room of the Francisco de la Hera Stadium was the scene of a tense confrontation between journalists who had followed the victory of Girona against Extremadura (1-3). A question in Catalan to Josep Lluis Martí, Girona coach, triggered complaints from the press following the current news of the local team. The disagreement could not even be stifled by Marti himself, nor by the decision to ask the questions in Catalan and the answers in Spanish.

Everything was triggered in the second question to the Girona coach, with an incredulous gesture at the angry discussion in the room. Only after the mediation of the press officers of both clubs did he return a certain normality to the appearance.

"In our stadium, all languages ​​and languages ​​that speak football are welcome and we will never do anything to restrict the freedom of each individual to express themselves in the language they prefer. All are equal and instrument for communication and knowledge," explained Extremadura in a later statement.

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  • sports
  • Second division
  • football
  • Girona FC

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