Teller Report

The Goncourt prize awarded to Jean-Paul Dubois

11/4/2019, 12:21:59 PM

The novelist Jean-Paul Dubois received Monday the Goncourt prize, the most prestigious literary prize in the French-speaking world, for "All men do not live in the same way in the world", novel boul ...

Many were waiting for Amélie Nothomb, but the Goncourt finally chose to reward Jean-Paul Dubois. The author of "All men do not live the world the same way" (ed Olivier) has won the 117th prize Goncourt in the second round of voting by 6 votes against 4, Monday, November 4.

Discreet and popular writer, Jean-Paul Dubois has already been crowned by the Femina prize (in 2004 for "A French life"). The 69-year-old from Toulouse has been building a work for thirty years that seduces with its delicacy and profound humanity.

With AFP

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