Teller Report

Forecasters expect the temperature of "crazy values" in Moscow

11/4/2019, 7:30:36 AM

Roman Vilfand, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, said that the weather in Moscow on Tuesday, November 5, could reach “crazy values” for November.

“On Tuesday, the temperature will reach crazy values: at night - +7 ° C - +9 ° C, during the day - +12 ° C - +14 ° C. These are the values ​​of the third decade of September. Almost 1.5 months we are behind schedule on Tuesday. It is possible that the temperature will be above the record or close to it, ”TASS quoted his statement.

Villefand explained that on November 5, the temperature in Moscow will exceed the climatic norm by +8 ° С - +9 ° С. Meteorologists also predict warm weather in the region on Wednesday, November 6th. According to their forecasts, the thermometer will rise to +11 ° С - +13 ° С.

Earlier, therapist Viktor Livshin told Vecherny Moskvy that the warm weather expected in November in the metropolitan area could lead to malaise due to changes in blood pressure.