Teller Report

Adara and the final thrust of GH VIP 7

11/4/2019, 7:09:47 AM

GH VIP 7 has become a crazy house. Has anyone seen the wonderful One flew over the cuckoo's nest? Well, they are about to record the second part in Gu's house

GH VIP 7 has become a crazy house. Has anyone seen the wonderful One flew over the cuckoo's nest ? Well, they are about to record the second part in the house of Guadalix. There is everything and for everyone, and after two months there, the ravages begin to be noticed, and how!

On the one hand we have Gianmarco and Master Joao trying to derail Adara ; on the other, we have Mila Ximénez, who with the arrival of Hugo Castejón has entered into a paranoia that makes him see intentional attacks with ice; in the middle, Alba Carrillo who betrays her to the pointer.

Last night at the GH VIP Debate, we saw again what GH VIP can do in a person. That Adara is living the reality as if there was no tomorrow has been known for weeks. In fact, I think it is the favorite of the public because it is giving everything, the good, the bad and the regular. As she said last night, right now GH VIP is her "micro world" and all she cares about is what's in there and who's inside. Adara's problem is that she is mistaking who .

Gianmarco and in recent days Master Joao are sinking it into a bottomless pit. She, who thinks that she has found in Gianmarco what she seems to be no longer outside , and she, who believes that she has found in Master Joao the confessor she needed, is making a mistake, and the problem is that she does not know how much. Not because of the contest, because what the audience wants is people as real as her , but because she is not being aware of the dirty game in which she considers her great support.

The dirty comb of Gianmarco

It is not only what she thinks she is feeling for Gianmarco and what Gianmarco wants her to feel, but that both are turning it off little by little , they are crushing her day after day . It is those nightly talks with Gianmarco in bed in which Adara thinks she sees in him the attention and care that he apparently lacked outside. It's those caresses, those looks, those gestures, that cruel comb that Gianmarco threw at Hugo , Adara's partner, after she heard how the Italian confessed that she is the most important thing for him in the house. Of course it is the most important thing! Gianmarco has seen his lifeguard in Adara to continue in reality . That is why he does not want Adara to approach Hugo Castejón, that is why he asks for his partner, that is why he devotes entire nights and nights under the protection of the quilt.

I love how Gianmarco confesses in part what he feels for her and the second uses that confession to make him believe that she is two different people, the one with him at night and the one Hugo Castejón is in the mornings. Gianmarco does not want Adara to be friends with Hugo Castejón because he knows that the only one who can open Adara's eyes right now is him, and there is a lot of fear. Fear of running out of soap opera , fear that Adara will take off the bandage and realize what Gianmarco's game is, fear that the bargain will end , fear that Adara will choose good instead of evil.

The Italian is fully aware that Adara, as his mother said last night, has a mess in the head of three pairs of noses . It is clear that Adara feels more than just a friendship for Gianmarco, so aware that after talking with Master Joao and following his three-to-fourth alcahueta tips, Adara has decided to heed and name her partner more times, talk more of him, send more messages, so that what she can feel for Gianmarco is not so shameless. For friends like Joao I prefer enemies .

"What I know is that I don't want to lose her," Gianmarco told him so that Adara would give up and realize that if he spends more time with Hugo, if he hears Hugo, in the end his thing will go to waste . As if Adara were a trophy or the medal after a race. Either you are with me or you are without anyone . Send noses! And, for the moment, Adara remains firm in her friendship with Hugo, although she is increasingly distant from him, but until when? Adara is still clear that Hugo is her friend and still believes that she can make the two relationships compatible, but if things continue that way, if Gianmarco and Joao keep pressing her, there will come a time that she has to decide, and I'm not sure that Decide on friendship with Hugo. If that moment comes it will be Adara's final thrust.

The Italian is so clever that he knows how to take it and where to take it. After asking him for loyalty, asking him not to leave him, asking him not to break his friendship for Hugo, he asks him who he misses the most. She obviously replies that to her baby, but Gianmarco is not satisfied and asks if she also misses her boy. She replies with the small mouth that yes and immediately, while Adara puts her hands in her eyes so as not to cry, he throws a comb into the air, which the reality has translated as a comb towards Hugo, his partner. But it is not clear to me that this comb is for Hugo . We should see that conversation without cuts or assembly.

I believe that Adara has not told Gianmarco that the thing with her partner was not very well before entering, so Gianmarco should not know that Adara and Hugo were in a delicate moment of their partner and if they have told them and that The comb was terrible for him, the Italian callousness and the permissiveness of Adara, which although he tries to lower his arm, does not tell him half. Really, Adara is in a micro world. Really, Adara has forgotten the outside and for her the only thing that exists, the only thing that matters is GH VIP .

"I've messed up, I've messed up"

It is when he enters the confessional, when he does not have the vultures flying over when he reflects and realizes that something is failing, that life is not GH VIP , of life is what is outside and realizes that it is rolling, and crying, and suffers, and despairs, and distresses and becomes mad. That is, live GH VIP with such intensity, that everything is that micro world. Adara spoke with the Super and realized that this principle of love can be doing a lot of damage to anyone outside .

In fact, last night it was not Hugo who was on the set defending her but his mother . It should not be easy to see your partner falling in love or believing that he is falling in love with another person, a person with whom he spends 24 hours a day, a person whose goal is none other than Adara is coladita by his bones, a person who knows that the only thing that can separate her from him is Hugo Castejón or his Hugo. It is what is called annulling a person, subjecting them to their needs, separating them from everything that can make them open their eyes ...

It was in the confessional where Adara assured the Super that when he heard Hugo defend her he did not notice that he missed her, he did not notice affection, that he saw him cold and distant. "I didn't notice any emotion," she stated flatly. And it was in the confessional, after trying to show that the Hugo he saw was not a Hugo who missed her, when he broke into a thousand pieces. "I have bundled her, I have messed her up ..." Adara cried inconsolably in the confessional, and a sea of ​​tears came out of him and the first person she met was Master Joao. They leave it neither in the sun nor in the shade. Adara is like the sun and Gianmarco and Joao, as Estela or Mila herself was, the planets that orbit around her . The only difference is that if you get too close to the sun you burn, and instead, in the case of Adara it is the sun that is burning with these planets.

The sorcerer's apprentice has two faces. On the one hand, the face of the good friend who advises you to think about the outside, in your baby, in your partner, in your real life ... And, on the other, the face of which I do not know with what intention you are looking for every coast that breaks free and let your feelings fly towards Gianmarco . With these two, how is this girl not going to go crazy . Among what she is giving to the head that will not be little, the advice of Joao and Gianmarco's comecocos is impossible to have anything clear.

That he is wrong, without a doubt; that Gianmarco can take a step that makes everything burst through the air, I doubt it. I am wrong, but I don't think Adara will take the last step with Gianmarco simply out of respect for her son's father and still a couple. That the thing between them was not right, it is obvious, and although Adara's mother said they were having a bump as all couples go, not all couples have a bump by putting one in GH VIP .

"You need to run, explode, make noise, be a girl again," said Joao , who does not know how to do so that Adara gets carried away by that affair towards Gianmarco and breaks her chains. What a friend! Notice that I stay more with the advice of Jordi González when he told Adara's mother that when someone asks for advice on personal relationships he always says the same thing: think if you are better with him or without him . What I don't agree with is that Adara looks better without Hugo.

It doesn't bother you! If they put me in a house for two months without more responsibilities and burdens than living with 14 strangers and trying to save me from nominations and expulsions, I would also look better at home . A baby, a couple crisis, business problems, and what milk!, Just day to day, they are reasons to be overwhelmed. With that plan GH VIP is like a parenthesis, like a vacation .

And yes you have to manage the feelings and life inside the house, but it can't even be compared to real life. Maybe that's why Adara is so confused. In GH VIP , even with her dislikes, Adara is calm, Adara is free of responsibilities , free of anguish, free of worries and on top of that she has someone constantly watching her, who gives her love, who gives her those feelings that, according to her , did not see in his partner.

Who has not felt or lived something so throw the first stone. I am convinced that when Adara goes out and sees her son and Hugo, she will drop that bandage with which they are and is covering her eyes now . Adara must get closer Hugo, must again be the Adara of laughter, of the zascas, the warrior Adara, who did not let anyone squeak or mean, and leave so much alcahueta and so much disenchanted prince. Right now, Hugo Castejón is his only salvation . That, or that Gianmarco is expelled from this week . In fact, I thought Adara would take much worse than Gianmarco was the nominee instead of Antonio David after being saved by Mila Ximénez. But I think Adara also believes deep down that the best thing that can happen is that Gianmarco leaves .

Mila Ximénez and the false attack with ice

And what for Adara is a salvation for Mila Ximénez is becoming her ruin. María Jesús Ruiz said it last night, Mila Ximénez is clear that Hugo Castejón has to leave in two weeks, and what is his strategy? Well, the same as the other time, that his defense be his best attack. That is to say, Mila Ximénez wants it to be very clear and that everyone sees that Hugo Castejón makes his life impossible, that he is looking for it, that it causes it, that he does not let him breathe, and for this he will use all the gimmicks there and for to have, that they are not other than to jump for anything, to make see ghosts where there are none and if it manages to provoke a monumental quarrel in which Hugo Castejón is like the greatest of the ogres , then better than better.

He already said it last Thursday when Jorge Javier Vázquez announced that Hugo Castejón was the repescado by the audience, that he was not going to endure it, and is not holding it. We have recovered the Mila Ximénez that threatens to leave, the Mila who does not hesitate to lose the papers and call everything that goes through the head of her greatest enemy, even the Mila who invents an ice attack with such of sinking the opponent. We are at a point of total dementia. But if you even see Antonio David talk to Hugo Castejón and think that he is betraying her like no one has ever betrayed her!

The fact is that Hugo Castejón cannot do anything at all . I will not deny that I find myself an unbearable person to live and that it alters my nervous nerves about being dancing all day as if I had given him a telele, but from there to whatever I do is like the greatest of crimes, like not. That is, the boy makes loin tape for a regiment and the cutest thing that comes out of Mila's mouth is "to be attractive, to eat the fridge" , not to mention other niceties that rub all the red lines.

But the worst thing is that the boy takes out an ice pack, puts it in the sink and blows it to undo the ice and Mila Ximénez will mount such a film that it seemed that Hugo Castejón had thrown the ice to his head to see if the It left semi-unconscious . "What he has done has done it on purpose. He was waiting for me. You are so obsessed that one day it will get out of hand. It will get out of hand, you have done it on purpose. You cannot live with a fucking crazy, all the fucking time.It is impossible.I do not look at him, I do not see him and he is waiting for me all the time! I try, he sang, he danced, I close my eyes, he killed flies, but there comes a time that is impossible. last time you make a violent movement with me . You go to your contest and you let me go now. It's all right! All the fucking day, all the fucking day! " I swear that as is, it's crazy.

The only thing Hugo Castejón did was take the ice pack and hit it on the counter, with such bad luck that Mila Ximénez was next door and was scared. Neither tried to attack it, nor did it to provoke it, nor was it a violent act, it was simply to open an ice pack. The one that Mila did was so crazy that my eyes went out of the sockets. She says that Hugo does not let her live and that she bases her contest on attacking her, but the reality is that she is constantly waiting for the thing to explode with him to leave him as a book psycho.

There is the thing in Guadalix so that with the food they distribute to everyone a little trankimacin, especially Mila. And if Adara can be taken to her father, as she has asked, for someone to let him out of the tunnel in which he has gotten and from which they do not let her out .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Big Brother
  • GH VIP
  • Telecinco

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