Teller Report

Maduro appears by surprise in Havana for the closure of an anti-imperialist forum

11/3/2019, 9:15:36 PM

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, appeared on Sunday without prior notice in Havana to attend the closing of an anti-imperialist forum of solidarity with Cuba. Madu

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The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, appeared on Sunday without prior notice in Havana to attend the closing of an anti-imperialist forum of solidarity with Cuba.

Maduro, whose visit was not announced and who is not known when he landed on the island, arrived at the Havana Convention Center accompanied by the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, and the ex- president and leader of the Communist Party of Cuba, Raúl Castro .

This information is being updated.

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  • Cuba
  • Nicolás Maduro
  • Venezuela
  • international

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