Teller Report

Chad: Government receives representatives from Tibesti, an agreement in sight? - RFI

11/3/2019, 10:36:36 PM

The government seems to have reached an agreement with the self-defense committee, a group of citizens from the province of Tibesti opposed to

By RFIPosted 03-11-2019Modified on 03-11-2019 at 23:16

The government seems to have reached an agreement with the self-defense committee, a group of citizens from the Tibesti province opposed to the exploitation of gold deposits in this part of Chad.

After several days of secret negotiations with government emissaries, representatives of the committee were received Saturday night in N'Djamena by the head of state. A meeting that augurs an agreement with the populations of Tibesti.

After the abortive offensive of the government forces against the self-defense committee a dozen days ago, a government delegation stayed in the utmost discretion in Tibesti to begin negotiations with the indigenous people.

At the end of the week, as the delegation headed down towards the capital, echoes of an early agreement between these people angry at the central government began to filter.

Saturday in the middle of the night, a photo on which we see the head of state and representatives of the self-defense committee was published by a site close to them.

" We have discussed with the president on most of our demands, " said a representative of the people of Tibesti, without specifying whether there was an agreement to calm the tension between the government and nationals of the extreme. northern Chad who demand to have a voice in the exploitation of gold ores found on their territory.

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