Teller Report

Anna from Varnhem lives in the middle of Brexit

11/3/2019, 6:06:36 PM

She is well-established in British society. Anna Carlqvist moved here from Skaraborg in 2011 and now works as a doctor in Brighton. - I still doubt if I want to live here if there is going to be a hard Brexit. Is it worth staying?

Anna Carlqvist packed her bag and booked a plane ticket almost ten years ago. Then student life in Oxford began.

- Then it was easy for me. No big difference compared to plugging in Sweden. Doing the same after a hard Brexit would not be possible. It would have been a more complicated and expensive process, says Anna Carlqvist, who is now 28 and working as a doctor in Brighton.

Tired of Brexit

There she now does her so-called public service and has been placed in the hospital for one year and has another year left. She says that many people are very tired of Brexit. Despite this, the subject comes up regularly on the coffee bars.

- Most people here are against and I live in a region and city where many people voted not to leave the EU. I share that view and it feels sad to see that three years of discussions have not led anyone. I just feel that it has become a more xenophobic society, she says, and says that she is now thinking strategically about the future.

Apply for a residence permit

She dreams of working with health on a global level. Working in Africa is attractive. But if she wants to be able to apply and get a permanent residence permit, it is better to stay there.

Of the 100,000 Swedes who live in the UK and who must apply for a residence permit if the country leaves the EU, few have done so.

- I am now trying to gather all my documentation to prove that I have lived here since 2011 and it is not easy. It is important which insurance you took out and when you opened a certain bank account. Then I came as a student and can show off what I read.

New elections in December

Thursday was the day when Britain would have left the EU. But that did not happen. Instead, a new election is scheduled for December 12. Anna Carlqvist is rooted in the UK, but does not feel comfortable with what Brexit has brought with her.

- I really like life here and the country, but wonder if I want to live in a country with these values ​​that have come now. I eagerly follow what will happen in the elections going forward and if it becomes a Brexit that it will be as soft as possible, she says who, after all, believes that she as a Swedish will be able to move freely.

- But I wonder if all the British understand what the consequences are. For example, to travel and need to obtain a visa to visit other European countries, she says, and continues that the last word is probably not said about Brexit for a long time.