Teller Report

1691 building permit in Dubai within 9 months .. A unified law soon

11/3/2019, 10:09:36 PM

Dubai Municipality reported that the number of building licenses it issued in the period from January to September last year amounted to 1691 licenses, while its Director General and Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Building Permits in the Emirate of Dubai, Daoud Al Hajri, expressed his happiness and pride in the UAE's first place in the Arab world.

Dubai Municipality reported that the number of building licenses it issued in the period from January to September last year amounted to 1691 licenses, while its Director General and Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Building Permits in the Emirate of Dubai, Daoud Al Hajri, expressed his happiness and pride in the UAE being ranked first in the Arab and regional and third place Globally in the ease of obtaining building permits, according to the World Bank's Doing Business 2020 report.

Director of Building Permits Department in Dubai Municipality, Eng. Layali Al Mulla, confirmed to Emirates Today that the Municipality issued 1691 licenses in the period from January to September, pointing out that the number of licenses issued to build private villas amounted to 930 licenses, compared to 194 licenses for investment villas. The number of licenses for public buildings was 262, compared to 114 for multi-storey buildings, 105 for industrial buildings, and 86 licenses related to the proportion of the building area to the size of the land.

Al Hajri said in a statement yesterday that the UAE's first place in the Arab world and regionally and the third in the world in the ease of obtaining building permits confirms the leading role it plays in international competitiveness, and attributed this progress in the axis of licenses to support leadership. He pointed out that Dubai represents the country at the center of building permits, and has achieved pioneering and sustainable results, and this year ranked third ahead of fifth place last year, surpassing more than 190 countries participating in the competition.

He added that in the field of building laws and regulations, a unified building code is being issued at the level of the emirate under the name of “Dubai Building Code”. A new law on consulting offices and construction companies has also been finalized and will be issued soon.

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