Teller Report

«Kalba Emergency» is preparing for the tropical situation with sand piles and suction equipment

11/3/2019, 10:15:04 PM

The Kalba Emergency and Crisis Committee stated that it is ready to face the tropical situation, which will witness the coasts of the eastern region, with 191 manpower, drivers and workers, 44 equipment, pumps and suction tankers, pointing out that the safety of families and individuals is the main objective

The Kalba Emergency and Crisis Committee stated that it is fully prepared to face the tropical situation, which will witness the coasts of the eastern region, with 191 manpower, drivers and workers, 44 equipment, pumps and suction tankers, pointing out that the safety of families and individuals is the main objective they seek to achieve.

Kalba municipality director Abdul Rahman Al Naqbi confirmed that the losses that hit Kalba area after its beaches were hit by tropical storm Kiar were very simple, attributing this to the preparations of local and federal authorities and their solidarity throughout the storm until its end.

He pointed out that the maintenance of internal roads in some areas of the city, did not cause the entry of sea water to the affected houses as some think, taking into account when starting any road project, the highest level of sea water in the case of natural tide, but in the case of storm The water level was too high, resulting in water entering the houses.

He pointed out that the dirt barriers have worked to reduce the amount of water intrusion into the houses, pointing to the success of the Department teams in dealing with water flows through mobilization of labor forces in the department, equipped with mechanisms and water suction equipment to reduce the amount of water accumulated.

The head of Kalba Municipal Council, Salem Al-Naqbi, confirmed that the committee is preparing to face the tropical storm «Maha» with full readiness, by placing sandbreakers along the beach, which will effectively contribute to the lack of water flow to the main streets adjacent to the sea, pointing out that his administration will work on Reinforcing the sand barrier in areas at risk of seawater flow, namely: Papyrus, Khor Kalba and Qadisiyah, to ensure its sustainability.

Sharjah Police and Municipal Council, in cooperation with the concerned authorities, worked to coordinate with a number of hotels in the Emirate of Fujairah, in cooperation with the emergency housing, so that these hotels are ready to receive families in case their homes are damaged due to the tropical situation that the region may witness in the coming days. .

Kalba Municipality: Maintenance of internal roads did not cause sea water to enter houses.