Teller Report

Sources: Saad Hariri closest to the restructuring of the Lebanese government

11/2/2019, 10:15:35 PM

Lebanese sources expected the next government to be miniature, pointing out that Saad Hariri remains the most likely name to be undisputed to re-assign him to form a government, despite the complications that may accompany it.

Lebanese sources expected the next government to be miniature, pointing out that Saad Hariri remains the most likely name to be undisputed to reassign him to form a government, despite the complications that may accompany it.

In a statement yesterday, the Lebanese Presidential Press Office announced that President Michel Aoun is making necessary contacts before binding parliamentary consultations to facilitate the formation of the new government. "The big challenges impose a quick but not hasty approach to the commissioning process," he said. It has harmful repercussions. ''

The head of the Association of Banks in Lebanon, Salim Sfeir, said yesterday that Lebanese banks have not witnessed any unusual movements of funds in the past two days, after they remained closed for two weeks due to protests across the country.

"The reaction was almost what we expected and anticipated," Sfeir told Reuters. "However, people were asking a lot of questions and we gave as many assurances as possible."

Analysts and bankers cited widespread concerns about depositors hastening to withdraw their savings abroad when banks reopen, but Sfeir said: "We are trying to counter rumors and avoid panic to prevent any unnecessary and unjustified withdrawals."

Bankers and customers said there were no formal restrictions on capital movements when banks reopened, but customers faced new restrictions on transfers abroad and withdrawals in dollars. "Branch operations are going better than expected," a bank source said.

For his part, Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, said that the reopening of the banks after two weeks of closure, due to the protests that prevailed in the country, did not cause any problems in any bank, stressing that «not discussing any formal restrictions on the movement of capital ».

Central Bank of Lebanon confirms not to discuss any formal restrictions on the movement of funds.

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