Teller Report

Sánchez accuses the PP of "being behind" the campaign to demobilize the leftist voter

11/2/2019, 10:16:43 PM

In recent days, the president of the acting Government and socialist candidate, Pedro Sánchez, has pointed to the PP as responsible for an advertising campaign on social networks

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In recent days, the president of the acting Government and socialist candidate, Pedro Sánchez, has pointed to the PP as responsible for a campaign of ads on social networks aimed at demobilizing progressive voters: "10-N. Do not count on me" or "I do not vote . " Also in some Spanish cities posters with this theme have appeared. Today in an interview in La Sexta Sánchez has been even clearer and has ensured that the PP "is behind" .

"It is the first time in the history of democracy that is being used by the PP, campaigns of misinformation, demobilization, posing as voters of the PSOE" to not vote that part of the electorate that 10-N can be " determinant". Although the PP has denied any ties, the president has defended that "it is not true, the PP is behind." "Before they were financed in B, now they have a campaign in B" .

Sanchez recalled that they have filed a complaint with the Electoral Board (also More Country has done it) and has stated that it is a "very serious" fact that can have "criminal consequences" . In fact, in its brief the PSOE asks the Board to transfer to the Prosecutor for immediate investigation.

The socialist complaint relates the existence of different pages on Facebook with announcements of these campaigns that media such as and El País have linked to people from the orbit of the PP. "It is clear that they are intended to favor the PP, avoiding voting for other political formations, or encouraging abstention." And, he adds, "although the direct relationship with the PP is not accredited, the indirect one is manifest . " Despite the forcefulness of the president's statements, the appeal to the JEC suggests that "it is unknown if they are mandated by this political formation or are being used as 'straw men' , because precisely as they are organized it is unknown who is behind ".

But, they maintain, that "the seriousness of the facts is such that only the opacity situation on the origin of the campaign or the remote suspicion that these people individually or organized were being used by a political formation to evade their Direct responsibility is sufficient cause to prohibit all campaigns and initiate an investigation, deriving all the responsibilities that may arise, of a penal or penal nature. " The PSOE also asks the Electoral Board to urge the PP to "argue" about the possible involvement of the people involved with them .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PP
  • PSOE
  • Facebook
  • More Country
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Health

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