Teller Report

Naples, Cardinal Sepe: "Underworld people live in the sewers like rats"

11/2/2019, 6:27:41 PM

The celebrations for the release of two bosses of rank in Pozzuoli, in the district of residence of the Camorristi, have aroused harsh condemnations from the institutions. The prelate during the homily, on the day dedicated to the cult of the dead, says about the Camorristi: "If it goes well they go to prison, otherwise they are in the cemetery"


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea November 02, 2019 "They will also have houses with gold taps but they are like rats, they are forced to live in the sewers out of fear, if all goes well, to do a good number of years in prisons. And when it's not good well they find themselves at the cemetery ". In this way, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Metropolitan Archbishop of Naples, spoke about criminals and criminality in general during the homily for the day of the dead.

"Whoever puts his life at the disposal of evil and violence, hatred and resentment - said Crescenzio Sepe - makes his life an emblem of that evil which he tries to continually overwhelm, hell already lives now because these organizations criminals, these Camorristi, these mobsters - he added - live hell ". According to Cardinal Sepe we must open up to the most needy: "We have a mission: we must not close ourselves, but open ourselves to the most needy, to those who have the most need". "When we can do something for human, civil and religious growth for the other - he said - then we are happy". "The good you are doing will never be lost - he added - Our task is to live well and fight evil".

The fact that the Metropolitan Archbishop of Naples led to such a harsh warning is what happened on Thursday evening in Pozzuoli, in the province of Naples, in the Monteruscello district. A party like those for the saints of the country, with fireworks and neo-melodic songs, celebrated the release of two bosses of rank: Silvio De Luca, 41, known as "Silviotto ' or nanetto'" and Giovanni Illiano , 48, nicknamed " fasulillo " ("small bean").

The condominium of the "600 housing" public housing district, one of the area's market outlets, has been mobilized with fireworks, rivers of champagne and even the performance of a neo-melodic singer, Anthony, also known as an author. of songs, to celebrate the return of the two bosses from prison. Songs dedicated to all prisoners still in prison. One of the most applauded neo-melodic songs would have been dedicated to a fugitive nicknamed " O phantom ". At least one hundred people took part in the party. Everything was organized without any municipal authorization and in contempt of the order of prohibition of fireworks issued by the mayor of Pozzuoli.

The two prisoners are linked to the Beneduce-Longobardi clan and have served 10 years of sentence De Luca and 8 years Illiano. Both for extortion. Illiano had escaped from an ambush in the neighborhood of the "600 lodgings". The investigations of the Carabinieri, who have already heard the first witnesses, are underway on what has happened.

The condemnation of institutions and civil society for what happened is unanimous. The mayor of Pozzuoli , Vincenzo Figliolia says: "Pozzuoli is not a city of the Camorra and I feel absolute contempt for those who wanted to pay homage to the return of members of the clans from prison. They, the Camorrists, are nobody, they are worth nothing. just the image of a land and a community of respectable people who fight every second sacrosanct to affirm rules, respect and legality ", adding:" There is the State, there are institutions and our doors are always open to listen all those who are in difficulty. It is serious and dangerous to have as a point of reference people who have nothing to share with legality, and it is even more serious that we cannot understand that in this way the future of own children ".