Teller Report

Mohammed bin Rashid and Mohammed bin Zayed launch a project to design a “media identity” for the state

11/2/2019, 10:11:29 PM

UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, have announced the launch of a national project to create and design a logo reflecting the media identity of the UAE.

UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, have announced the launch of a national project to create and design a logo reflecting the media identity of the UAE. It embodies the historical, cultural, humanitarian and economic constituents of its people, translates its value system, communicates its inspiring story to the world, and shares its extraordinary experience as a state with no ambitions for its aspirations, dreams and aspirations with all peoples of the earth.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: “We will invite 49 Emirati creators, artists, writers and designers from the seven emirates to participate in the design of our media identity, to tell the story of the nation and the march of construction for the peoples of the world.” The beautiful homeland in the global mindset, and the design of media identity is a new step in the journey to establish a global media presence of the UAE »

His Highness said: “We aim to design a visual brand and identity for the UAE that helps all sectors to use it to convey our story to the world in all fields.” He said that whenever our media identity is strong and influential, and reflect our values ​​honestly, we were able to motivate millions to inspire our experience in their journey. Developmental ». “The UAE is a land of opportunity and dreams. This is our story that is worth telling the world,” he said.

For his part, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, said, “The UAE represents a creative success experience and an inspiring civilizational journey that transcends its geographical boundaries to the world and represents a source of hope and an incentive for people and governments on the international stage.” An Emirati journalist will bring this experience to the whole world as a model of human progress, learning from the experiences and lessons of different communities on their way to advancement and development. ”

“By designing and building the media identity of the UAE, we seek to enhance the positive image of the state and its people and the story of its rise, which races against the times and shortens the time, in the global awareness on the official and popular levels,” he added.

His Highness affirmed that “the design of a media identity and a distinctive mark representing us and embodying our civilized values ​​will help to reinforce all our national initiatives for the good, happiness and progress of man.” He pointed out that the UAE is at the heart of the global movement at the economic, social and cultural levels. And its soft power in the world. ”

Media identity is the visible sign of any country and people, so that it is able to represent its values, distinction and uniqueness in a visual logo, which can be used by all sectors, and on many occasions, to help it transmit the economic, historical, geographical, humanitarian and cultural components of the world and other peoples.

Many countries of the world have experimented with creative projects to create their media identity, build their global image to market their experience and introduce the world to them. From Singapore through the Passion Made Possible logo, Australia through the Kangaroo logo, Canada through the maple leaf, the most widely recognized national symbols in Canada, New Zealand through the local silver ringworm logo, and Britain through the logo (Great Britain).

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced that 49 Emirati artists and creators will contribute to the development of the visual media identity, representing seven emirates from each emirate, including painters, calligraphers, sculptors, writers, researchers and graphic designers. Through a set of innovative designs that they will discuss, which they see as reflecting the image of the UAE and its components, as a success story, and a continuous construction journey, worth celebrating and sharing with the world, so as to inspire and motivate people and communities.

The designers in the task forces will review the messages and desired objectives that serve this national project.

Designing a media identity for the UAE aims to convey the inspiring story of the UAE to the world as a success story and a continuous building process, despite the challenges and obstacles, through a visual slogan that can be transmitted between peoples and institutions popularly. The media identity and the visual slogan will reflect the story of the UAE, its values, excellence, individuality and humanity, to inspire and motivate the people, and to establish the UAE's reputation and reputation in the international community as an effective state capable of bringing about constructive change in the service of humanity by advancing the reality of societies and changing people's lives for the better. .

The design of this media identity aims to emphasize the UAE national identity, which is an extension of the Gulf and Arab identity, which forms part of the global identity, with its commonalities and does not contradict its unique privacy; in addition to celebrating the distinctive Emirati experience based on learning, growth and development. Continuously improve and present this experience to the world to learn from and benefit from its data;

The design of the UAE's media identity aims at highlighting the culture of the “impossible” adopted by the UAE as an integrated work system, and the UAE's quest to achieve the utmost social welfare and reach the highest levels of productivity and creativity; and highlighting the political, economic, historical, geographical, humanitarian, cultural and value foundations that form the basis of Building the UAE experience and creating its distinctive media identity as a reflection of its unique identity; building and strengthening the national and popular sense in the UAE society by creating a collective awareness about what represents the authentic Emirati identity and what embodies the spirit The Emirati personality, so that the UAE society in all its spectrums become ambassadors of the UAE experience, contribute to the transfer of its story to the peoples of the world.

There are many elements and characteristics that contribute to the formulation and crystallization of the media identity of the UAE, under the umbrella of the identity of the UAE, which is characterized by privacy and authenticity, in a manner that builds and establish a positive image of the state in the global mind, at the official level, and at the level of popular awareness of countries and communities. The UAE values ​​system forms the basis for building the authentic UAE identity and the pillar from which its media identity is based, thus presenting its image in the global mindset. This system consists of several moral and material elements, which have a great impact in shaping the image of the UAE in the global mind, and in the cultural and intellectual awareness and Arab and global people; among them giving, as a human value and moral core in the UAE, thought and practice.

A culture of tolerance and openness is also a key component of the UAE's values ​​system that shapes its identity. The UAE is a symbol of brotherhood, coexistence and openness to different cultures, free from any form of intolerance, which is embodied in its social fabric, which includes people representing all peoples of the earth, whose languages ​​are fused. And their cultures and beliefs within the crucible of the UAE.

It is an element of the value system of the UAE's credibility by adhering to all its commitments and charters with the international community, fulfilling its promises in a way that has established its positive reputation in the world, and has given it a qualitative weight.

As part of the UAE's value system, as part of its identity, the institutional values ​​laid down by parents and grandparents are established. , Preserve its dignity, preserve its sovereignty and defend it. Since its inception to date, the UAE has established itself as a meeting place of the world and a meeting point for peoples from all over the globe, where it is a place to live and work for people of more than 190 nationalities, in a safe and stable environment, where millions of people contribute to the formation of its multi-spectrum of color, cultural, ethnic and religious , Contributing to the enrichment of its local identity under the cosmopolitan global identity. Thanks to its rapid development drive, which has placed it among the fastest growing countries in the world, the UAE has been able to establish its image in the Arab world and globally as a land of opportunity and dreams, and an incubator for talent, creativity and expertise, creative people, entrepreneurs and aspirants.

The UAE occupies a vital position as the largest center in the Middle East and North Africa for the financial and business sector, which has strengthened its economic position as a major attraction for foreign investment, attracting some of the largest international companies, and the UAE has become a center for embracing innovative young entrepreneurs and startups that have turned into a story. Global success.

The UAE's position as a stable and secure business environment, and as an attractive global trading center with unlimited future prospects, has been strengthened through an efficient and effective legal and regulatory system, in addition to providing many facilities that have enhanced the UAE's economic competitiveness in the region and in the global market.

In all policies and strategic plans adopted by the UAE and adopted from a future perspective, transforming planning for the future and preparing it into a system of work under which all programs and projects at the federal and local levels, and at the level of government and private sectors, within a comprehensive vision, based on building a future state For future generations, the UAE will be a key player in the future industry in the region and the world.

Innovation is an intellectual approach, work culture and lifestyle across all vital sectors in the UAE. Innovation is also the basis of decision-making, and the formulation of plans and strategies in the country, within the various leadership and administrative cadres, while seeking to develop tools and standards of performance that raise the ceiling high, which encourages all stakeholders in the decision-making circle to develop their tools and expand their horizons and thinking outside the box and out of the ordinary. To be proactive in their fields, setting standards that others follow. The UAE has been able to turn its geographical components, primarily the desert and the sea, into tourist attractions. The UAE is the first Gulf and Arab country to develop a bold tourism vision that makes the country a tourist destination throughout the year, in addition to investing in geographical elements and environment unfamiliar or «repelling» in traditional conditions.

The UAE also has a distinct historical and cultural identity, which contributes to the formulation of its unique identity, within the framework of the Gulf cultural heritage, which is an extension of the depth of the Arab cultural and historical. All these elements combine, intersect and intersect to promote and build a genuine Emirati identity.It presents its media image to the world in a way that enhances the UAE's position in the international community and among the peoples as an initiative, pre-modern, influential, effective, and able to play a vital role in making a better future for the future of humanity.

Vice President:

“We aim to design a visual identity for the UAE, which our sectors help us use to convey our story to others.”

"The UAE is a land of opportunity and dreams. This is our story that we deserve to tell the world."

“Whenever our media identity is strong and influential, we can motivate millions to inspire our experience.”

Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi:

“The UAE is a creative success experience and an inspiring civilizational journey that transcends its geographical boundaries to the world.”

"Media identity brings the UAE's experience as a model of human progress from which societies learn."

"We seek to promote the positive image of the state, and the story of its rise that races against the times, and shortens the time."


An Emirati artist and creator who will contribute to the development of the visual media identity, representing the emirates of the UAE.

Culture of the Impossible

The UAE's developmental and developmental story in all spheres is a vivid embodiment of the culture of the impossible, established by the Emirati leadership, over successive generations, from inception until today, by raising the ceiling high, and believing that nothing stands in front of the aspirations and aspirations of the UAE leadership and people, and not to surrender To despair or retreat to challenges and difficulties.

Hope Lighthouse

The UAE is a beacon of hope for the people of the Arab world, a maker of positive change in the region, and a leader of the human and developmental movement, by investing in young people, channeling their energies and supporting them in their projects through which they seek to build their societies, conquer despair, and create a better reality. The UAE also adopts a number of initiatives, programs and developmental, humanitarian, humanitarian and community projects to help the vulnerable groups in society, to help the afflicted, and to alleviate the suffering of people wherever they are.

UAE Media Identity Objectives

To convey the story of the UAE to the world and enhance the positive image of the UAE in the global mindset.

Establishing the UAE's reputation and reputation in the international community and celebrating the UAE's outstanding experience of learning, growth and development.

To stimulate the interest of countries and peoples in the accelerated progress achieved by the UAE as an incubator of innovation and an entrepreneur.

Highlighting the economic, historical, geographical, humanitarian, cultural and value components that form the basis of building the UAE experience.

Media identity is a hallmark of any nation, visually representing its values, distinctiveness and individuality.

Happiness .. Programs of work

The UAE is the only country in the region that has made happiness an integrated work system, consisting of plans, policies and action programs that translate reality on the ground, with targets and indicators of measurement, so that these plans and programs can be evaluated periodically, updated and strengthened. Thus, part of the UAE's media identity, which reinforces its positive image in the world, is based on a vision of leadership that happiness is a fundamental right of the people.

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