Teller Report

Mine clearance at the breeding site in Donbass will begin on November 3

11/2/2019, 5:33:35 PM

The headquarters of the Operation of the Combined Forces of Ukraine reported that the clearance of the territory at the site of the separation of forces and assets in the Donbass will begin on November 3.

"Activities are ongoing to deploy forces and assets on both sides (mirror) at site No. 2 in the area of ​​the settlement of Zolotoe-4 of the Luhansk region ... On November 3, at site No. 2, measures will begin to search for and destroy explosive objects and dismantle structures," the statement says A post by the CAB on Facebook.

On the eve of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic, they said that the militias had completed the withdrawal of forces in the area of ​​the settlement of Zolotoe in the Donbass. The Ukrainian military also reported that it had deployed forces.

The commander of the tactical group "North" of the Ukrainian army, General Oleg Mikats, said that on Sunday, November 3, the regime of restrictions on movement in the breeding area in Zolotoy will be lifted.