Teller Report

He died of asbestos, 844,000 euros in damages

11/2/2019, 6:03:35 PM

The judge: "The causal link between the conditions of the work environment and the pathology complained of for failure to comply with the safety requirement has been established"


02 November 2019She gets cancer and then dies from having constantly breathed in asbestos dust during work, now the damages to the family - wife and three children - has been set at 844 thousand euros in total: the Labor judge of Lanciano, Cristina Di Stefano, condemned the Consorzio di Bonifica Sud Bacino Moro, Sangro, Sinello and Trigno-Vasto, to pay the sum. From 1961 to 1996 the man was in contact with asbestos working on the maintenance of eternit pipes of the Consorzio di Bonifica, based in Vasto but in recent years in Lanciano. Due to the long exposure to asbestos, the employee contracted pulmonary asbestosis with subsequent onset of metastatic lung cancer.

In 2012, at the age of seventy, he died from the effects caused by asbestos. The employee had the status of water carrier, however, carrying out daily repairs and maintenance of water pipes, including asbestos-cement (Eternit) along the entire Val di Sangro. The judge writes that the causal link between the conditions of the work environment and the pathology complained of for failure to comply with the safety requirement has been "clarified".