Teller Report

Ayodhya: India holds its breath before the verdict of the Supreme Court

11/2/2019, 11:27:35 PM

The fate of a land in the small town of Ayodhya crystallizes the attention of the entire nation. Disputed between Hindus and Muslims since 1992, it must be distributed by the Supreme Court by 17 November.

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The Ayodhya site in India. The Ayodhya site has for centuries been the subject of Hindu-Muslim conflict in India. AFP PHOTO / SANJAY KANOJIA

The fate of a land in the small town of Ayodhya crystallizes the attention of the entire nation. Disputed between Hindus and Muslims since 1992, it must be distributed by the Supreme Court by 17 November.

With our correspondent in Bangalore, Como Bastin

It is a conflict almost 40 years old but symbolic of the fractures of contemporary India. The Indian Supreme Court is due to arbitrate on 17 November on the fate of one hectare of the city of Ayodhya, claimed by Hindus and Muslims since 1992 , in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

At the time, the Hindu nationalist movement RSS launched 150,000 militants in the destruction of the Babri mosque on the grounds that it was built on the birthplace of the god Ram. The result is politico-religious riots causing the deaths of 2,000 people, mainly Muslim, and the destruction of the place of worship.

Since then, the case has taken a legal turn without ever being really resolved . Who, Muslims present on the spot for 500 years or Hindus who want to build a temple, is depositary of this sacred site? The retirement of the president of the Supreme Court on November 17 must speed up the verdict on this dispute.

Suffice to say that India holds its breath . The Hindu BJP party and the Muslim authorities said they would accept the decision calmly. But for fear of further violence, police in the region are assigned on the spot and banned from leave pending the verdict.