Teller Report

An action against dismantling the bas-relief of Zhukov was held in Odessa

11/2/2019, 9:27:41 PM

Residents of Odessa staged a peaceful protest after the bas-relief to USSR Marshal Georgy Zhukov was dismantled from the building of the Primorsky military enlistment office.

It is reported by the publication "Timer"

“The peaceful action“ Requiem for Zhukov ”took place in Odessa near the building of the military registration and enlistment office at 87, Kanatnaya,” the text says.

It is noted that the audience expressed dissatisfaction with the dismantling of the bas-relief.

It is also reported that flowers were laid at the place where the bas-relief was previously located.

Earlier it was reported that the bas-relief of Georgy Zhukov was demolished from the building of the military enlistment office in Odessa.

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