Teller Report

15 rail crossings in the county must be addressed

11/2/2019, 5:45:58 PM

A total of 1,000 so-called level crossings in the country are to be reviewed and given some form of action. Of these, 15 are overpasses in Jönköping County.

The Swedish Transport Administration has now looked at the country's 6,500 level crossings and decided that 1,000 of these need to be corrected or removed completely for safety reasons.

- It is based on a combined knowledge from, among others, those who drive the trains, how the lines of sight are and knowledge of incidents that have happened over the years, says Lennart Andersson, regional director at the Swedish Transport Administration.

Different measures

The measures of the 15 transitions in the county will take place sometime between 2020-2023. In some places it needs to be cleaned, put on audio and light signals or booms because some may have happened since they were made.

- An almost unforeseen intersection, because of some reason, can get more traffic passing today, he says.

Andersson says that a tree will be replaced with plan detail, which means a bridge or tunnel.

Eight are removed

A total of eight traces will be demolished, removed altogether.

- That means it's inappropriate. Then we will recommend another road or build some parallel road nearby, explains Lennart Andersson.