Teller Report

'Kooza': impossible stunts and contortions under the tent of the Circus of the Sun

11/2/2019, 6:54:35 PM

On October 17, the Circus of the Sun raised its tent at the Puerta del Ángel Stage. In the following week until the premiere of Kooza on October 24, this small town d

On October 17, the Circus of the Sun raised its tent at the Puerta del Ángel Stage. In the following week until the premiere of Kooza on October 24, this small city of 20 meters high and 51 meters in diameter was an orderly chaos composed of more than 200 people and the content of more than 80 trailers .

One of these days, to the artists loaded with suitcases that just arrived and the operators transporting trucks, the activity of the offices, the workshops and the kitchen is added. Inside the artistic tent, a group of sturdy acrobats who will soon jump through the air on his trampoline heats up playing volleyball, while two contortionists stretch adopting impossible positions reminiscent of an uróboro.

About to start his routine, Roberto Quirós from Madrid welcomes us. «I've been in this show for 13 years, since creation. I am the sixth generation of my family in the circus , so all I know is being on the road. It's my life, ”the funambulist tells EL MUNDO, whose marked Latin accent reveals the time he has spent on the other side of the puddle.

«I make the high wire. They are two cables, one at 10 meters and one at six. And on the wire we do everything: we jump on the rope, we jump two people, we run, we dance, we go by bicycle, we make human pyramids », he explains about this number created by his father in which he acts with his brother Vicente. «When we started doing it in Kooza we were three brothers and a cousin. My cousin got married, he didn't want to go on and we brought another boy, my brother got injured and we brought another boy. Now we are five and one of us broken, ”he adds.

To perform this dangerous act of just 15 minutes Quiros rehearses daily two hours on a low wire at half a meter high and between 60 and 90 minutes more on the high wire. «The level of demand is very high . You cannot have the minimum error because it is very dangerous, ”says the tightrope walker. «Then we do one or two functions. And on Mondays, the day off, we will get to know the city, ”says this globetrotter, who in recent years has traveled Australia or China, to say goodbye praising the work of a compatriot: Miguel Berlanga, a clown from Valencia.

The spectacular costumes of this show are made up of 3,500 pieces, including costumes, shoes, wigs and accessories. And every night 1,200 go on stage. Dressmakers review each set to the millimeter for both aesthetics and safety: for example, the uniform of the artists of the wheel of death is checked daily to prevent any thread from obstructing the number, putting their lives at risk.

The cast and team of Kooza is made up of professionals of up to 25 nationalities, as pointed out at the beginning, about 200 people, including 51 artists , trainers, physiotherapists and the stage team. Although French and English are the main languages ​​on the tour, many other languages ​​are spoken, including Spanish and Russian.

The main responsible for this babel is Dean Harvey . «As an artistic director, my job is to offer the best show possible every night. That sounds easy, but it isn't, ”he laughs, pointing to a board full of notes. «Every day some artists perform and we have to organize everything. Two hours before each show I meet with my team to prepare everything. The show is always different and evolves over time. We even introduce new numbers depending on the needs, ”he adds.

Kooza premiered in April 2007 in Montreal, Canada, and since then they have represented more than 4,000 functions in about 70 cities in 21 countries on five continents. After three years on the road, Harvey explains about living together: “Most artists are married and have their family on the tour. Most dedicate their lives to this and have been able to mix these two worlds, professional and personal. So we travel the world together. When you dedicate yourself to the circus you have this extended family and a certain lifestyle that you have to get used to. That means that sometimes there are frustrations, sometimes there are loves, but in general very special relationships are forged.

But what is Kooza ? «The creator, David Shiner, wanted to make an inspiring journey through the traditional circus. So we take two of the greatest disciplines of the circus, the art of clowns and high-level acrobatics , to thrill and entertain the spectators. Because in our show you see incredible artists and athletes running numbers they have been working on all their lives, ”says Harvey. And he acknowledges that the tone of this show is more fun, cheerful and lighter than that of other Circo del Sol shows previously represented in Madrid.

Regarding the argument, which the artistic director summarizes as the trip of the Innocent , the main character of the function, "the simplicity of the story I think is what makes it so beautiful . " And he argues by saying: “Everyone can identify with history because we are all on a trip. I guess the question is, are you brave enough to take the first step and embark on this journey?

A soundtrack that combines Middle Eastern influences with Western pop culture, funk with orchestral music or Indian tradition "places Kooza in its own world, but also allows it to be recognizable to people around the world," says Harvey. On the stage a traveling tower called Bataclan occupies a central place, altering the configuration of the scenic space as it moves, creating a portal «for artists to enter and introduce themselves» and housing the band, consisting of six musicians and two singers

According to Harvey, the 2,600 people who in each performance will be able to see Kooza "are going to be scared, they are going to laugh, they are going to scream with joy , they are going to feel inspired, they are going to be amazed" with this story about identity, power, fear and bliss. One more sample of the know-how of the Circus of the Sun, a Canadian company that has been supporting viewers of all ages across the globe for 35 years.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Circus of the Sun
  • Madrid

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